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 reconfiguration 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    1. But a union official said, "It was a reconfiguration of the existing offer and it is unacceptable."
    2. Several firms, sources said, were furious at the reconfiguration plan and suggested that certain members were favored over others.
    3. "We expect performance to improve as the year progresses, as more of our new plants come onstream, and as the flow of cost savings from our reconfiguration program begins to swell," he said.
    4. "Their recent reconfiguration of their divisions will also create economy of scale in terms of inventory purchasing and overhead expenses," added Mr. Cha.
    5. A reconfiguration of the Kuwaiti oil fields currently under way could return output to two million barrels a day by the end of 1993.
    6. The Eastern reconfiguration cost about $8 million.
    7. "Efficiencies from the reconfiguration will strengthen the company's competitive position and make a major contribution to margins in the '90s," he said.
    8. While restructuring plans aren't set, the company wouldn't rule out possible asset sales and employee layoffs, as well as "consolidations and reconfiguration of facilities."
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