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 reconcile ['rekәnsail]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 使和解, 调停, 使和谐, 使一致, 使听从

[经] 对帐, 使一致


    Reconcile \Rec"on*cile`\ (-s?l`), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {Reconciled} (-s?ld`); p. pr. & vb. n. {Reconciling}.] [F.
    r['e]concilier, L. reconciliare; pref. re- re- + conciliare
    to bring together, to unite. See {Conciliate}.]
    1. To cause to be friendly again; to conciliate anew; to
    restore to friendship; to bring back to harmony; to cause
    to be no longer at variance; as, to reconcile persons who
    have quarreled.

    Propitious now and reconciled by prayer. --Dryden.

    The church [if defiled] is interdicted till it be
    reconciled [i.e., restored to sanctity] by the
    bishop. --Chaucer.

    We pray you . . . be ye reconciled to God. --2 Cor.
    v. 20.

    2. To bring to acquiescence, content, or quiet submission;
    as, to reconcile one's self to affictions.

    3. To make consistent or congruous; to bring to agreement or
    suitableness; -- followed by with or to.

    The great men among the ancients understood how to
    reconcile manual labor with affairs of state.

    Some figures monstrous and misshaped appear,
    Considered singly, or beheld too near;
    Which, but proportioned to their light or place,
    Due distance reconciles to form and grace. --Pope.

    4. To adjust; to settle; as, to reconcile differences.

    Syn: To reunite; conciliate; placate; propitiate; pacify;

    Reconcile \Rec"on*cile`\, v. i.
    To become reconciled. [Obs.]

    1. By attempting to reconcile some of these bitter enemies, Mr. Gorbachev is seeking to establish himself as the unlikely heir to Henry Kissinger and Anwar Sadat as the region's preeminent deal maker.
    2. The disagreement, which cast doubt on the success of Soviet economic reforms, has become a matter of sharp public debate, with pleas to the two leaders to reconcile.
    3. Most important, the erosion of the Eurocommunist parties reflects a failure to reconcile their ideological and international commitment with Westernization farreaching enough to garner a significant share of national power in democratic countries.
    4. Their inability to reconcile the doctrines laid down in his name with the requirements of France and Europe after the end of the cold war represents a crucial political handicap for the right.
    5. But diplomats from both military blocs, speaking on condition of anonymity, have suggested they are finding it difficult to reconcile interests within their two alliances.
    6. But that doesn't reconcile with the way the Japanese look at it."
    7. But critics questioned how he could reconcile promises to set up expensive new programs while also claiming to be a fiscal conservative who would balance the budget.
    8. A $250 million payment the Vatican bank made to Banco Ambrosiano, he wrote, "is difficult to reconcile with the thesis of the IOR's extraneity to the Banco Ambrosiano failure."
    9. LTV's biggest creditor group reached a tentative agreement with the federal pension insurance agency to reconcile their competing claims against the Dallas-based company.
    10. A House-Senate conference committee is expected to reconcile the differences in the two bills.
    11. Negotiators are trying to reconcile differences between two versions of a reform bill passed by both houses of the American-style legislature.
    12. Brannen is unlikely to be fazed by this aspect of his new role; he spent much of his time at the employment department trying to reconcile UK policy with ILO aims.
    13. And, if you do, how do you reconcile that with your voting record? Quayle: I have a very strong record on the environment in the United States Senate.
    14. The House and Senate conferees have been struggling for nearly a month in an attempt to reconcile different bills approved by the House and Senate that would impose tougher air pollution controls on automobiles, industry and electric utilities.
    15. Pastine is a strong figure, but it is not easy to reconcile the older woman with the young one met in a flashback.
    16. It's not an enviable status and there is no sign it will change soon, despite renewed efforts by the United Nations to reconcile ethnic Greeks and Turks.
    17. The Boesky information pointedly included reference to a "reimbursement" received by Mr. Boesky from a conspirator that was "part of an attempt to reconcile other outstanding money differences" with the conspirator, lawyers noted.
    18. White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater was asked to explain how Bush could reconcile his acceptance of three circumstances for abortion with his support for reversing the landmark Supreme Court decision.
    19. Fitzwater was left with the job of trying to reconcile Bush's statements with the remarks of Republican members of Congress after conferences with the president.
    20. "It shows she is trying to reconcile the differences in her country," he told reporters.
    21. If ancient rivals like Britain and France or France and Germany can reconcile, then why not the nations of the East and West? In the East, brave men and women are showing us the way.
    22. Croatian Ivo Druzic sparked a sharp debate when he appealed to Suvar and Milosevic to reconcile their differences and compromise.
    23. Two significant strands of work are being simultaneously pursued. Teams are still trying to reconcile the mass of transactions made by MCC, many of them between MCC and the Maxwell private interests.
    24. "I find it difficult to reconcile with what I understand to be the core of Tory philosophy that there are people sleeping in the doorways of so many central London streets," Heseltine said recently.
    25. Both committees produced conflicting versions of a securities law and have been unable to reconcile those differences. The exact details of where the two proposed bills disagree is not known.
    26. Fahd is a member of a three-nation committee mandated by the 22-member Arab League to bring peace and reconcile Lebanon's feuding factions.
    27. The attempt to reconcile economic progress with democracy in so huge and poor a country has something heroic about it.
    28. Enrile said he was willing to reconcile with Mrs. Aquino, who fired him as defense minister after he was implicated in a coup attempt in November 1986.
    29. The governor said he believes differences between Reagan and Congress can be addressed when House and Senate conferees meet to reconcile versions of the bill.
    30. The workplace cannot avoid, to some degree, serving as a sexual hunting ground; but there must be ground rules establishing neutral territory where men and women can reconcile their sexual and business lives, and work together with dignity.
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