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 recombinant   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 重组, 重组物

    [ noun ]
    1. a cell or organism in which genetic recombination has occurred

    2. <noun.animal>
    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to recombinant DNA

    2. <adj.pert>

    1. The California case dealt with a version of the clotting material made with recombinant DNA; Baxter's product is made from human blood plasma.
    2. The Factor VIII patent also covers recombinant DNA methods for manufacture of the variants.
    3. The experiments show that the technique allows "the introduction of recombinant genes into any site accessible to a catheter," the researchers said.
    4. Two companies are testing recombinant factor VIII, made through gene splicing techniques, that should provide the treatment without possible contamination from microbes or impurities.
    5. Some are concerned that, despite our reassuring experience with contained recombinant DNA research, genetically engineered organisms might escape and cause harm.
    6. The experiment will not involve recombinant or selectively bred organisms, and will rely wholly on common microbes alreadly present in Alaskan waters, the newspaper said.
    7. The company, which develops, manufactures and markets pharmaceuticals produced by recombinant genetic technology, said the buyout was intended to eliminate royalty payments to the partnerships for three potentially profitable medical products.
    8. He took two years to size up other biotechnology opportunities, and in 1983 founded MicroGeneSys in West Haven, Conn., to develop recombinant vaccines.
    9. When Genentech's U.K. patent originally was issued, Ms. Murashige said, "it purported to cover any TPA made by means of recombinant DNA.
    10. He also used the vaccine to create a booster shot by removing his own blood, infecting his own blood cells with the recombinant vaccine, killing and then reinjecting them.
    11. A synthetic version, prepared by means of recombinant DNA, is to be given in an intravenous infusion in the hope that flooding the body with false targets would mop up virus particles and prevent them from infecting cells of the body.
    12. Genetics Institute, of Cambridge, Mass., is a developer of human pharmaceuticals and diagnostic products using recombinant DNA and related technologies.
    13. The hormone, produced by recombinant gene-splicing technology, is called rechLH and is biologically identical to the substance produced by a woman's pituitary gland to induce ovulation, called a luteinizing hormone, or LH.
    14. Shak explains that the work had not been followed up: 'Mucus secretions are not a topic of great scientific investigation'. Two years of recombinant DNA work led to the isolation of human DNase.
    15. Jeffrey Whitsett, director of Children's Hospital's division of pulmonary biology, and head of the group that identified the proteins, said surfactant yielded by recombinant DNA techniques may have advantages over animal extracts.
    16. Using the techniques of recombinant DNA, BioTechnica Inc. of Cambridge, Mass. has re-inserted the genes responsible for nitrogen use _ nitrogen fixation _ back into the organism, giving it two copies of the genes.
    17. First, much is now known about the events that lead to uncontrolled growth of cells and about the safe application of recombinant DNA.
    18. Amgen Inc. said it was awarded a patent covering its process for producing recombinant erythropoietin, and filed two patent-infringement suits against competitors.
    19. The latest patent was expected, although Genentech said the action confirmed its "pioneering work in applying recombinant DNA technology to the production of important pharmaceutical products."
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