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 recipe ['resipi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 食谱, 处方, 秘诀

[医] 取(处方头语), 处方

    [ noun ]
    directions for making something

    Recipe \Rec"i*pe\ (r[e^]s"[i^]*p[-e]), n.; pl. {Recipes}
    (r[e^]s"[i^]*p[=e]z). [L., imperative of recipere to take
    back, take in, receive. See {Receive}.]
    A formulary or prescription for making some combination,
    mixture, or preparation of materials; a receipt.

    2. a prescription for medicine. [archaic]

    2. a prescription for medicine. [archaic]

    3. a set of directions for preparing food from its

    4. a method or procedure for accomplishing a goal by defined
    steps; -- implying a high probability of achieving the
    goal; as, a recipe for success. Also used in a negative
    sense, as, a recipe for disaster.

    1. Sulphur and molasses is an age-old recipe for spring fever, and here's its economic equivalent, something to lift your spirits and help develop the brighter side of things.
    2. After three years of increasing chaos and decreasing profits, Pillsbury has little time to find a winning recipe.
    3. One hundred years after a Naples chef presented the queen of Italy with a patriotic pizza, purists and politicians want to "copyright" the simple recipe for a genuine Neapolitan pie.
    4. Add the cars swarming on to the streets, the jammed packed trolley buses, the motorbikes and hand carts, and there is a sure recipe for chaos. Yet somehow, Shanghai gets by.
    5. The modern-day recipe calls for sewage sludge and yard waste, plus any variety of newspapers, office paper and cardboard, along with run-of-the-mill garbage like last night's leftovers.
    6. One woman signed her rhyming recipe "with apologies to Shakespeare."
    7. 'That is a recipe for disaster.
    8. Cavazos said Caballero also perfected a praline recipe that kept the candy from turning too sugary and developed recipes for chili, meat taco filling and rice sauces that are standards of the Tex-Mex food business.
    9. One version of the recipe called for 120 onions and four gallons of ketchup.
    10. Isn't it the recipe for civil war?
    11. However, Scott Poth and Scott Luchterhand of Poth's Meats say their sudden popularity won't change things much _ at least not the secret recipe.
    12. While rising incomes are normally viewed as healthy, economists have begun worrying that demand pressures are outstripping the economy's ability to produce goods, thus creating a classic recipe for rising inflation.
    13. First lady Barbara Bush sent a recipe for All-American Clam Chowder.
    14. 'Leaving the Post Office locked in the public sector would be a recipe for disaster,' he said.
    15. A lax timetable, or none at all, would be a recipe for failure. Banning military flights should be coupled with placing all military aircraft in Bosnia under international control.
    16. In recent years consultation has become a recipe for inaction, while unilateral U.S. reaction has been a cause of Western disunity.
    17. Doing so in the same part of the organisation is a recipe for conflict and suppression of the new.
    18. Motorola "kind of lost the recipe in the last couple of years," says Willem Roelandts, vice president of Hewlett-Packard Co.'s networked-systems group.
    19. A modest degree of underpricing may yet be the best recipe for getting an issue away.
    20. This is a recipe for continued trade tension. In the past the global economy has performed best when an 'anchor' country has served both as a guarantor of monetary stability and a champion of the liberal values on which a market system depends.
    21. THERE ISN'T a simple recipe for transforming a mass brand into a class brand.
    22. If the outside world becomes totally inhospitable, we can always live in pressurised plastic bubbles. This is a recipe for ruin.
    23. This is a recipe for early loss of credibility and disillusionment,' it concludes. A survey of 18 of the first Tecs to be established revealed that they had made a serious study of their local labour markets to see what help was needed.
    24. For that matter, neither does it beat the previous two years' alleged "world's largest" cakes in Philadelphia; they were the same size and from the same recipe.
    25. I sometimes think that the recipe for Soljanka soup will be the only positive achievement the Soviet Union leaves behind.
    26. This recipe for profit has become controversial as an election-year recession focuses American attentions on the apparent flight of U.S. manufacturing jobs to other countries.
    27. Kelso said he was sorry he didn't contribute a recipe.
    28. My no-fuss recipe is a blend of the hunter-gatherer's small group ethic and modern business's concept of quality control: moral quality circles.
    29. Joyce Brereton came from Manchester with a home-baked version of the Queen Mother's favorite cake recipe.
    30. A Los Angeles County prosecutor says Waste Management's local unit directed a similar scheme that was "straight out of the recipe book."
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