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 recently ['ri:sntli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ adv ]
    in the recent past
    he was in Paris recentlylately the rules have been enforced
    as late as yesterday she was fine
    feeling better of late
    the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also

    Recently \Re"cent*ly\ (r[=e]"sent*l[y^]), adv.
    Newly; lately; freshly; not long since; as, advices recently

    1. The yield on 30-year Treasury bonds fell to 8.54%, the lowest level since mid-July of last year and down from 9 1/8% as recently as about two weeks ago.
    2. There has been much speculation recently that the next step in the Wall Street investigations will be to move beyond insider trading to broader questions such as market manipulation and tax evasion.
    3. Bruce Viclad, president of the United Hospital Fund in New York, who recently reviewed data on AIDS cases there, said his organization found the CDC estimate a little high and said the Hudson Institute estimates were improbable.
    4. That approach has been used successfully recently in other industries.
    5. George Mitchell showed the style he brings to the post of Senate majority leader when he was asked recently how the Democratic Congress would respond to George Bush's call for a cut in the capital gains tax.
    6. Mr. Collor has recently suggested that employers and unions join together in a pact to keep wages and prices under control.
    7. "I know a doctor who likes to be able to hop in a plane and fly whenever he wants," says Gerald Walton, an FAA official who until recently was the tower manager at Burbank.
    8. Anticipating the new standards, many thrifts have been selling assets and reducing their size recently.
    9. Similarly, the textile maker Burlington Industries Inc.'s 13 7/8% bonds of 2000, which had traded at 85 cents on the dollar as recently as Aug. 10, slipped to 81 cents by last Friday.
    10. It recently won a $325 million contract to modernize Canada's air-traffic control system, and is bidding on a $210 million contract to modernize data processing for the Bureau of Land Management.
    11. The government recently announced that the two-airline agreement will end and deregulation will begin in 1990.
    12. Possibly offsetting that, Columbia recently estimated it has unrealized gains on publicly traded equity investments of more than $70 million.
    13. Others believe that Aids has thrust death into the limelight. It is only recently that we've become squeamish about death.
    14. Rite Aid recently expanded with the acquisition of stores from Kroger Co.'s SupeRx division and Sherwin-Williams's Gray Drug Fair unit for about $110 million.
    15. "When I saw him for the first time, I just couldn't believe how big he was," Nugent, an avid hunter, said recently.
    16. A senior British official on Monday sharply criticized Israeli leaders and suggested that U.N. Security Council members help prepare for Arab-Israeli peace talks _ a proposal made recently by Soviet officials.
    17. Individuals who spoke with Mr. Milken as recently as late yesterday said that while some of his attorneys and others recommended that he accept the negotiated pact, Mr. Milken had still not made up his mind about whether to do so.
    18. Miss Brawley was found Nov. 28, seemingly dazed, outside an apartment that had recently been vacated by her family in Wappingers Falls.
    19. An 82-year-old company with an old and loyal customer base and 7,000 employees, Foxboro recently emerged from a restructuring.
    20. But the problem is not that Americans are "lazy," as a Japanese politician has recently been quoted as suggesting.
    21. That nation is past." Mr. Pavlychko and some other Ukrainian officials are skeptical about the recently signed economic agreement, which they say isn't workable.
    22. The announcement is the latest in a series of international ventures Mr. Maxwell has been working on recently.
    23. What Moody's officials were told is that Mrs. Whitmire will resolve an unexpected budget deficit with a recently approved 18.9 percent tax increase.
    24. Take-up of the basic rate service has been slow and, until recently, there were very few ISDN products on the market.
    25. Karl Wiedergott, who recently did a pilot for a new CBS-TV series called "Limited Partners," plays the role of Tyler.
    26. Until recently, most acquisitions in the sector have been made by other brewers.
    27. A debt-rescheduling accord between Poland and its foreign bank creditors, already held up over several points, may be further delayed because banks recently granted Yugoslavia more-favorable terms, banking sources said.
    28. Mr. Stepanek was until recently resident director of an American multinational in Beijing.
    29. The National Enquirer recently ran an article claiming her condition was worse than the White House has let on and that the first lady was in severe pain at times.
    30. Three previously unreported issues began trading recently on the Big Board.
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