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 realisation [ˌriəlai'zeiʃən,ˌri:-;-li'z-添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 实现

    [ noun ]
    1. a musical composition that has been completed or enriched by someone other than the composer

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. coming to understand something clearly and distinctly

    4. <noun.cognition>
      a growing realization of the risk involved
      a sudden recognition of the problem he faced
      increasing recognition that diabetes frequently coexists with other chronic diseases
    5. a sale in order to obtain money (as a sale of stock or a sale of the estate of a bankrupt person) or the money so obtained

    6. <noun.act>
    7. the completion or enrichment of a piece of music left sparsely notated by a composer

    8. <noun.act>
    9. making real or giving the appearance of reality

    10. <noun.act>
    11. something that is made real or concrete

    12. <noun.act>
      the victory was the realization of a whole year's work

    1. And there can be no question that the 1992 realisation of this Cosi proves infinitely preferable to the 1989 original.
    2. Lower interest rates alone will not compensate for job insecurity and the realisation that, come what may, personal incomes are unlikely to rise much over the next few years.
    3. The composition is sound, the realisation unfailingly thorough whichever scheme or convention proposed.
    4. People see all these ugliest facts of mismanagement and justly demand a strict punishment of the culprits, not because of vengeance but to assert the realisation that it is inadmissible and impossible to throw the people's resources to the winds.
    5. The driving force in this instance was not so much the government's pay ceiling as the realisation by the Labour-run council that it is obliged to produce a budget that does not breach the limit set by the Department of the Environment.
    6. At times the language is played more for sensuous charm than for disturbing force; and only Cara Kelly, in the central role of Pegeen, goes for a thoroughly three-dimensional realisation of a role.
    7. Wines from France and Italy jostle for shelf space in supermarkets and off licences as an ever-increasing range from the New World and emerging producers enter the international market. This realisation has woken up Greek producers.
    8. This requires an integrated approach by an experienced client, able to add value to the procurement process: first by identifying what represents quality and value; and second, by ensuring the realisation of that value.
    9. It is the realisation of the hopes and dreams we have cherished over the decades: the dream of a South Africa that represents all South Africans.
    10. My ramblings about the Ark Royal brought me two things: a realisation that a navy is only as good as the politicians who control it, and a reconciliation with my grandfather. What would he think, I wonder, of today's Royal Navy?
    11. Orwell's frightening vision is coming closer to realisation, not because of 'the secret state' mentality but because it is now all too easy to dig deep into another's private life.
    12. 'Obviously there is a lot of nervousness, but there is also a realisation that the economic mountain has to be climbed,' he said.
    13. Cosmo posted an extraordinary loss of Y69.8bn as a result of its tobashi deals (or shuffling of one client's account to another to avoid realisation of investment losses).
    14. High expectations of Mr Carlo Ciampi, the new prime minister, were tempered by a realisation of the practical problems he faces.
    15. This shift in mood stems partly from a realisation that the market in Clinton futures had skyrocketed in December and January, without any real press scrutiny of the product.
    16. A stronger pound, coupled with the realisation that the UK could have the strongest economic performance in Europe this year, is pulling foreign buyers into British equities.
    17. Since much of the litigation surrounding negligent valuations has been brought by banks, few valuers would quibble with this aim. But introducing estimated realisation price into the wider context of the new Red Book is more controversial.
    18. When in a single day the market can find five separate reasons for selling, chief among them the belated realisation that the group derived 31 per cent of 1991 pre-tax profits from South Africa, investors are scarcely going to argue.
    19. The realisation that I could enjoy a holiday in England impressed itself upon me the moment I left the coast.
    20. The markets remained remarkably steady yesterday, in spite of the realisation that Mr Lamont's medium-term strategy for reducing the budget deficit is, to say the least, unambitious. All talk of a balanced budget has been thrown overboard.
    21. This followed the market realisation that the Bank of England was not going to offer a repo.
    22. 'We have to keep an eye on what has happened over the last four centuries,' says Mr Bradfield. His lack of enthusiasm for gilts owes much to a realisation that the college's income would be minimal had it been endowed with fixed-income securities.
    23. Revenue fell to R505m from R518m in 1991 but the decline was attributable to a R20m decline in profit on the realisation of investments.
    24. BTR's enhanced scrip dividend would make greater sense if it reflected a realisation that an even larger proportion of future earnings would be generated abroad.
    25. The new Red Book will enshrine a new basis of valuation - estimated realisation price - to complement open market valuation. The concept of estimated realisation price has its roots in banking.
    26. The new Red Book will enshrine a new basis of valuation - estimated realisation price - to complement open market valuation. The concept of estimated realisation price has its roots in banking.
    27. He added that the proposed immediate realisation of investments was not in the company's best interests.
    28. Corporate France is launching an unprecedented invasion across the Rhine, attracted by the belated realisation that Germany is the key to its success in the European market.
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