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 rampage ['ræmpeidʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 乱闹, 乱冲, 暴跳

vi. 乱闹, 狂暴

    [ noun ]
    1. violently angry and destructive behavior

    2. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. act violently, recklessly, or destructively

    2. <verb.social>

    Rampage \Ramp"age\ (r[a^]mp"[asl]j; 48), n. [See {Ramp}, v.]
    Violent or riotous behavior; a state of excitement, passion,
    or debauchery; as, to be on the rampage. [Prov. or Low]

    Rampage \Ramp"age\, v. i.
    To leap or prance about, as an animal; to be violent; to
    rage. [Prov. or Low]

    1. A gunman shot four people in a rampage through a hospital emergency room Saturday evening, and police worked to secure patients and staff from the marauder, a hospital official said.
    2. Highlighting the problems was a Labor Day rampage in which one person was killed and eight wounded.
    3. On the day before the rampage, Hayes' family had tried to have him committed to a mental hospital.
    4. A convicted killer drove a fire truck in an attempt to escape prison, ramming fences, gates and other vehicles during a rampage that ended when she crashed into a tree.
    5. Three people were killed when hundreds of construction troops angered by poor working conditions went on a rampage at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, news agencies said.
    6. A protest outside the East Berlin headquarters of the Honecker-era security agency, which is being dismantled, turned into a rampage Monday night.
    7. I'm still in love." _ Heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson, about his feelings following a weekend rampage that left glass strewn around his Bernardsville, N.J., mansion.
    8. Salcido, 29, has admitted killing seven people, including six family members, during the April 1989 wine country rampage.
    9. Thomas Mahoney said after the rampage Tuesday on the lot where the TV shows "Dallas" and "Knots Landing" are made.
    10. Angry crowds began stoning police and went on a three-day rampage, burning Chinese shops and attacking Chinese passers-by. Police responded with more gunfire and tear gas.
    11. President Bush said Thursday he will "strongly oppose" any attempt to outlaw semiautomatic guns, despite increasing homicides and the use of such a weapon in a California rampage that left five children dead.
    12. The issue was revived after Thursday's rampage at Standard Gravure Corp. by a heavily armed employee with a history of mental illness.
    13. Jordanian authorities said nine tourists and a Jordanian tour photographer were wounded Monday in the bus rampage by Ahmad Badwan, 28, a Palestinian from the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip who carried a temporary Jordanian passport and lived in Amman.
    14. Blacks armed with knives went on a rampage Tuesday and stabbed eight whites, raising the specter of new racial violence, authorities said.
    15. If they fail in that task, the rampage in Rostock will not be the last sign of ugliness along the road to unity.
    16. A policewoman full of life and laughter and a jobless Vietnam veteran haunted by the horrors of war lived worlds apart, but their worlds collided when they died side by side in a bloody rampage.
    17. The next night, inmates reached out of their cells and pushed two-inch levers in the boxes to free themselves, allowing the rampage to start anew, guards said.
    18. On Monday night, a three-hour rampage at the Huntingdon state prison injured 29 staff members and 19 prisoners.
    19. They were banned after a rampage in which 39 people were killed at a Belgium stadium in 1985.
    20. Although her case is still officially unsolved, law-enforcement investigators strongly suspect she was one of several victims randomly killed by two black men on a rampage while high on drugs.
    21. Salcido, a native of Mexico, was arrested there several days after the April 14 rampage in the wine country north of San Francisco.
    22. A man who apparently thought he was being evicted from his room at a YMCA went on a rampage and injured three people, two of them with a sword, before police shot and wounded him, police said.
    23. Tens of thousands of people took part in the rampage Monday night after a demonstration against the dreaded secret police force, which Modrow has promised to have completely dismantled by June 30.
    24. In November, for example, the army gave 21 paratroopers up to two weeks in jail each for going on a rampage after their bus was stoned in a refugee camp.
    25. A man whose rampage at a restaurant left three people dead and two officers wounded died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound during the incident, police said Tuesday in a preliminary report.
    26. A radio report from Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, spoke of a continuing rampage by "a handful of thugs."
    27. The demonstrations proceeded with few disturbances, unlike the most recent student protests Monday, when gangs of toughs went on a looting and car-burning rampage during a march in Paris by 100,000 youths.
    28. On Friday, scores of unemployed people went on a rampage in Gabon's economic capital, Port Gentil, breaking shop windows, looting stores and setting cars aflame.
    29. Five years ago: The 21 people who died in a gunman's shooting rampage at a McDonald's restaurant in San Ysidro, Calif., were mourned at a crowded memorial service inside Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church.
    30. Salaam said he did tell McKenna that, on the day after the rampage through the park, others told him people had been attacked there the night before.
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