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 quoting [kwot添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Quote \Quote\ (kw[=o]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Quoted}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Quoting}.] [OF. quoter, F. coter to letter, number,
    to quote, LL. quotare to divide into chapters and verses, fr.
    L. quotus. See {Quota}.] [Formerly written also {cote}.]
    1. To cite, as a passage from some author; to name, repeat,
    or adduce, as a passage from an author or speaker, by way
    of authority or illustration; as, to quote a passage from

    2. To cite a passage from; to name as the authority for a
    statement or an opinion; as, to quote Shakespeare.

    3. (Com.) To name the current price of.

    4. To notice; to observe; to examine. [Obs.] --Shak.

    5. To set down, as in writing. [Obs.] ``He's quoted for a
    most perfidious slave.'' --Shak.

    Syn: To cite; name; adduce; repeat.

    Usage: {Quote}, {Cite}. To cite was originally to call into
    court as a witness, etc., and hence denotes bringing
    forward any thing or person as evidence. Quote usually
    signifies to reproduce another's words; it is also
    used to indicate an appeal to some one as an
    authority, without adducing his exact words.

    1. The Caribbean News Agency, quoting police and hospital sources, said on Saturday that at least 22 people have died in fighting since the coup attempt began, but exactly where the fighting occurred remained unclear.
    2. "We have conquered Jalalabad from the opponents," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Nabi Amani, quoting the province's military commander, Gen.
    3. Newspapers reported, without quoting sources, that Talvela died of a heart attack shortly after dancing with his newly married youngest daughter.
    4. The news agency, quoting a Defense Ministry source, said the mine was discovered by a Kuwaiti naval patrol boat and was detonated.
    5. Funerals will be paid by the Navy, The Marietta Daily Journal reported today, quoting unidentified officials.
    6. CBS reported on a smuggling ring broken up recently in Panama. The network, quoting unidentified military sources, reported that at least nine people, including two Americans, were arrested.
    7. In addition, "all partners will have an opportunity to have an active and collaborative relation that should extend beyond the direct economic return to be derived from the partnership," Macmillan said, quoting from the document.
    8. "When Gorbachev wasn't paraphrasing Yakovlev, he was quoting him directly," says Rodolfo Brancoli, an author and former Moscow bureau chief for the Italian daily La Republica.
    9. The two sides will also discuss modernisation of MiG-21 fighters in service with the Indian air force and creation of a joint Russian-Indian aircraft venture, Tass said, quoting an Indian embassy official.
    10. The Uzbek legislature now has 12 committees working between sessions to solve political, social and economic problems, Tass said, quoting the legislature's president, Pulat Khabibullaev.
    11. Tass, quoting from a report in the weekly Literaturnaya Gazeta, said the bodies of foreigners were among those found during four days of excavation at a site in the Darnitsa Forest.
    12. He was asked about a report in Glasgow's Sunday Post newspaper quoting former Israeli intelligence official Raphael Eitan as saying he was sure the May 15 Palestinian group was responsible.
    13. Richard Corver of Toronto, quoting Martinsen as saying Corver had flown CF-18 fighter planes for three years.
    14. Kyodo news service, quoting British sources, said the deal is worth about #200 million ($340 million).
    15. The agency, quoting sources close to senior advisers of President Soares, said that under a plan being negotiated with Peking Macao will become a special administrative region of China, after four centuries of Portuguese rule.
    16. Baghdad Radio, quoting a presidential decree, said the 70-year-old defense minister, Gen.
    17. Protectionists in Congress will probably be quoting this number when they pontificate for the trade bill.
    18. The train wreck occurred in the republic of Kazakhstan between the cities of Badam and Kalash, 1,700 miles southeast of Moscow, Tass said, quoting from an account in the railway worker's daily Whistle.
    19. The Soviet news agency, quoting its Afghan counterpart Bakhtar, said three patients and a nurse were killed in the attack Wednesday and that the hospital in the city of Kandagar was damaged.
    20. The Washington Post, quoting sources, said in today's editions that Bush, at a high-level meeting, had urged an end to negotiations with Noriega.
    21. Florendo, quoting two captured rebel soldiers, said the Guardian Brotherhood was involved in the coup attempt.
    22. The Washington Times, quoting unidentified congressional and law enforcement sources, said the "wide-ranging" investigation involved allegations of vote trading and bribery against Sens. Alan Cranston and Dennis DeConcini.
    23. The news agency, quoting unidentified security officials, said the explosive was smuggled into Ireland from Libya in 1985 and 1986.
    24. The yield rule stemmed from some funds' penchant for quoting misleading performance data.
    25. Six people were injured and eight were missing in heavy rains since Tuesday, the paper said, quoting the state Flood Control Headquarters.
    26. In the austere little Church of St. Michael and All Angels, in the northwest corner, is a plaque for the poet, quoting from "East Coker": "In my beginning is my end."
    27. Yesterday, the Associated Press, quoting a federal prosecutor, said Eastern is cooperating in the criminal case and that the matter may be resolved within weeks.
    28. New York magazine, quoting an unidentified source, said a soft-drink company was negotiating to put an advertisement on the ball.
    29. Meanwhile, his office issued press releases Wednesday quoting new studies as saying that Wall's handling of 223 S&L failures last year saved the government $6 billlion to $8 billion.
    30. The dollar's gains followed news reports from Tokyo quoting unidentified Japanese finance officials as saying the Group of Five nations will renew their commitment to support the U.S. currency through market intervention.
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