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 pussy ['pusi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 猫味

a. 多脓的

    pussier, pussiest
    [ noun ]
    1. obscene terms for female genitals

    2. <noun.body>
    3. informal terms referring to a domestic cat

    4. <noun.animal>
    [ adj ]
    1. containing pus

    2. <adj.all>
      a purulent wound

    Pussy \Pussy\, n. [Dim. of puss.]
    1. A pet name for a cat; also, an endearing name for a girl.

    2. A catkin of the pussy willow.

    3. The game of tipcat; -- also called {pussy cat}.

    {Pussy willow} (Bot.), any kind of willow having large
    cylindrical catkins clothed with long glossy hairs,
    especially the American {Salix discolor}; -- called also
    {glaucous willow}, and {swamp willow}.

    Pussy \Pus"sy\, a.
    See {Pursy}. [Colloq. or Low]

    1. "I assure you that in pit bull mode or pussy cat mode, (your choice, as always) I am ready to help," he told the president in his letter of resignation.
    2. The ads featured pictures of shining waves and pussy willow buds, not the cars.
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