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 prong [prɔŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 叉状物, 耙子

vt. 刺, 贯穿, 翻掘

[医] 尖头(如牙根)

  1. One of the prongs of the garden fork went through his foot.
  2. One of the prong of the garden fork go through his foot.
  3. Each prong has faced harder resistance than expected.

[ noun ]
a pointed projection

Prong \Prong\, n. [Cf. D. prangen to pinch, press, LG. prange a
stick, or W. procio to thrust, E. prowl, pang.]
1. A sharp-pointed instrument.

Prick it on a prong of iron. --Sandys.

2. The tine of a fork, or of a similar instrument; as, a fork
of two or three prongs.

3. (Zo["o]l.)
(a) A sharp projection, as of an antler.
(b) The fang of a tooth.

  1. If either prong fails, it is almost always because heavy rains washed the chemicals away afterwards or a long drought stopped the plants from taking them up in time.
  2. After that, it is down to the line controllers and station staff to prevent bunching. But more important in the context of the current dispute is the other prong of the Company Plan: the onslaught on labour costs.
  3. His strategy is two-pronged. The first prong might be called the Me-or-Else scenario.
  4. So far, this final prong in my armoury seems to mount an effective defence for several months at a time. If you cannot face spraying, do try scattering, but also please take your lesson from this early season.
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