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 produced [prə'dju:st]   添加此单词到默认生词本
(叶子等)畸形伸长的, 引长的

  1. German engineer and pioneer automobile manufacturer who produced the first high-speed internal-combustion engine(1885).
  2. Italian painter. With his command of perspective, light, color, and composition, he produced a large body of secular and ecclesiastical works, including The Banquet of Cleopatra and The Martyrdom of Saint Agatha(both1750).

Produce \Pro*duce"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Produced}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Producing}.] [L. producere, productum, to bring
forward, beget, produce; pro forward, forth + ducere to lead.
See {Duke}.]
1. To bring forward; to lead forth; to offer to view or
notice; to exhibit; to show; as, to produce a witness or
evidence in court.

Produce your cause, saith the Lord. --Isa. xli.

Your parents did not produce you much into the
world. --Swift.

2. To bring forth, as young, or as a natural product or
growth; to give birth to; to bear; to generate; to
propagate; to yield; to furnish; as, the earth produces
grass; trees produce fruit; the clouds produce rain.

This soil produces all sorts of palm trees.

[They] produce prodigious births of body or mind. --

The greatest jurist his country had produced.

3. To cause to be or to happen; to originate, as an effect or
result; to bring about; as, disease produces pain; vice
produces misery.

4. To give being or form to; to manufacture; to make; as, a
manufacturer produces excellent wares.

5. To yield or furnish; to gain; as, money at interest
produces an income; capital produces profit.

6. To draw out; to extend; to lengthen; to prolong; as, to
produce a man's life to threescore. --Sir T. Browne.

7. (Geom.) To extend; -- applied to a line, surface, or
solid; as, to produce a side of a triangle.

  1. Many forgeries were produced, most of which were printed by the authorities themselves.
  2. Closer inspection reveals no stitching - hours of detailed tying and dying have produced an amazing effect of design and texture. For intricate stitching, Cordsen shows off a hand-made silk appliqued outfit, comprising coat, dress and trousers.
  3. In animal tests, the liposome vaccine produced "significantly" more antibodies than did a vaccine alone, says Philip Livingston, a Sloan-Kettering researcher.
  4. Cornelia Parker has produced a set of six postcards of work made in the station hotel, itself forbidden to public access.
  5. That's just "murderous" for any violin, he says, and especially so for the 500 to 600 old Cremonese violins still being played (out of a couple of thousand produced by the masters).
  6. His lawyers produced letters Cook wrote to McLaughlin from prison, in which she admitted killing the neighbor.
  7. This company first produced it in 1984.
  8. Researchers in Atlanta said that a common, non-surgical procedure for opening clogged or narrowed arteries leading to the heart has produced encouraging results.
  9. In the six months ended March 31, the company produced a 40 percent year-to-year gain in net profit to $9.8 million, or 15 cents a share, on an 8 percent gain in revenue to $197 million.
  10. While Orion has produced several hits and critically acclaimed films such as "Amadeus" and movies by Woody Allen, it has been financially troubled.
  11. Anyone breaking into the car and starting the engine finds the steering wheel turning without steering the wheels. The device, produced by Malvy Technology, can be fitted during assembly or later at a cost of Ffr4,800 (Pounds 560).
  12. It began production in mid-1988 and produced 100,000 ounces of gold a year between 1989 and 1991 - a tenth of Chile's total output.
  13. The first device was produced at TI's Dallas chip research and manufacturing complex Feb. 12, Robert W. England, vice president of the company's semiconductor group, said Wednesday.
  14. Thirty years later, in 1764, the monks produced the milder green liqueur based on the elixir, and this is their main product today. The elixir itself is still available.
  15. It hardly mattered how efficiently it was run; companies could sell whatever they produced at whatever price they wanted to charge.
  16. The Paramount Pictures release was produced by Harve Bennett with a script by David Loughery from a story by Loughery, Shatner and Bennett.
  17. This month, for instance, Unocal received $42.23 a barrel for oil produced at Parachute Creek, but the government paid $23.46 of that.
  18. In Wyoming, a thunderstorm generated winds gusting to 59 mph. Thunderstorms produced small hail in the Big Horn Mountains in the north central part of the state.
  19. Record stock market volume last year produced surging income for stockbrokers, with the average income for retail brokers reaching a record.
  20. Among the other signs, says Steve Lyons, associate professor of meteorology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, are the large thunderstorms typically produced in the areas of the warm sea water.
  21. In 1990, the mine produced 17,000 tonnes of tin, compared with 32,000 in its heyday.
  22. But it hasn't been clear whether this compound is produced by an animal cell or acquired from an external source.
  23. The same scene shows that Hastings can certainly write, even if he has produced a strange play.
  24. The original "Gremlins," released in 1984, produced worldwide revenues of $200 million.
  25. Searle said since ADBF is one of the body's naturally produced antibiotics, it may be less toxic or allergenic than many traditional synthetic antibiotics.
  26. The utilities claim that piping produced by Taylor Forge & Pipe Works for the Four Corners Generating Station in San Juan County, N.M., was faulty and had to be replaced.
  27. That moral support was very important." Anderson, who plays on the current tour, has produced all of Yoakam's albums and is gaining a reputation as a producer for other recording artists.
  28. Several independent studies published of late have produced conflicting findings.
  29. The characters of Amos Jones and Andy Brown were created in 1928 by Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll, who wrote and produced the "Amos `N' Andy" radio program, one of the nation's most popular.
  30. The film produced widespread criticism and the West Bank commander, Maj. Gen.
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