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 portray [pɒ:'trei]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 描绘, 描写, 描绘...的肖像


    Portray \Por*tray"\, v. t. [Written also {pourtray}.] [imp. & p.
    p. {portrayed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Portraying}.] [OE.
    pourtraien, OF. portraire, pourtraire, F. portraire, fr. L.
    protrahere, protractum, to draw or drag forth; pro forward,
    forth + trahere to draw. See {Trace}, v. t., and cf.
    1. To paint or draw the likeness of; as, to portray a king on

    Take a tile, and lay it before thee, and portray
    upon it the city, even Jerusalem. --Ezek. iv. 1.

    2. Hence, figuratively, to describe in words.

    3. To adorn with pictures. [R.]

    Spear and helmets thronged, and shields
    Various with boastful arguments potrayed. --Milton.

    1. Yet while TDF1 opponents call the satellite obsolete, supporters portray it as the key to the future.
    2. Saddam Hussein is craftily trying to portray himself not as the invader of Kuwait but as a kind of Arab Robin Hood, promising to take petrodollars away from a few wealthy sheiks and restore them to the impoverished Arab masses.
    3. On the offensive are the various human-rights advocates, who have tirelessly sought to portray all vigilantes, without exception, as right-wing death squads or murderous fanatics.
    4. Nearly 30 years later, he helped De Niro portray a saxophonist in "New York, New York."
    5. It's kind of like `48 Hrs."' Kristofferson will play the ranger, nicknamed Rip, while Nelson is to portray the scoundrel.
    6. Meinhardt Raabe went on to portray Little Oscar for Oscar Mayer lunchmeats and made promotional appearances around the country.
    7. Wage restraint would 'help business to compete' and assist in the creation of new jobs. In a combative speech, Mr Portillo sought to portray the government's battle to control public spending as for the good of the whole economy.
    8. In their public utterances, members of each have taken unfailing care to portray members of the other as great sportsmen and fine fellas.
    9. In Boesky's third day on the witness stand, the defense sought again Thursday to undermine his credibility and to portray him as a greedy man who transferred chunks of his fortune to his wife when a federal dragnet closed on him in 1986.
    10. The Republicans have attacked Dukakis for being a "card-carrying member" of the organization, and Republican George Bush raised the issue in his debate Sunday with Dukakis, whom he attempted to portray as a liberal out of touch with mainstream views.
    11. Many companies are pressing a public-relations program designed to portray themselves as sensitive to the environment.
    12. U.S. Trade Representative Carla Hills and the leaders of the other delegations sought to portray the talks in a positive light, saying the discussions were useful in highlighting areas of disagreement and providing momentum to resolving disputes.
    13. "I fully intend to portray Democrats as criminals who can't resist returning to the scene of the crime."
    14. Mr. Maddox assaulted Ms. Hanson in court and out by attempting to portray her as a mad racist white bitch consumed by lurid fantasies about black men.
    15. Souter said the remark was "kind of a statement of math." Souter's response stood out in part because the bookish bachelor has taken great pains in the hearings to portray himself as compassionate and aware of a broad range of human concerns.
    16. Not a few detractors portray him as a fire-breathing dragon who is big on threats but short on delivering tangible benefits to his rank and file.
    17. While Treasury bears the blame, SEC Chairman Breeden and colleagues can portray themselves as reformers.
    18. We have a personality who seems to be incredibly talented and one we hope will lead to a series." Of course, it could all turn to kitty litter for 20-year-old model Jacqueline Sahhara Tavarez, the 20-year-old who was tabbed to portray the Night Cat.
    19. For the actress aspiring to portray a businesswoman, a proper understanding of clothing is a must.
    20. The diplomats contend that Iraq, in an effort to break the embargo, has sought to portray the sanctions as inhumane.
    21. Dukakis aides have been aggravated by Jackson's aggressive effort to portray himself as the logical running mate and by an apparent effort by Jackson campaign manager Gerald Austin to discourage the selection of Gore.
    22. However, the idea has generated fierce opposition in the Democratic-controlled Congress, where leaders have sought to portray it as a new tax break for the rich.
    23. George Bush will part company with President Reagan on a variety of domestic issues in a campaign that will also portray Democrat Michael Dukakis' management record as a failed one, two Republican governors said Saturday.
    24. Representatives of Robins and its shareholders portray the Sanofi proposal as responsive to Shield claimants' concerns about their payment being deferred for years.
    25. Wood, who continued to portray the people of the Midwest, died of cancer in 1942. "American Gothic" is part of the permanent collection of the Art Institute of Chicago.
    26. WASHINGTON _ Over the objections of government attorneys, a federal judge allowed lawyers for Phoenix millionaire Charles H. Keating Jr. to portray him as a victim of a vendetta by federal savings and loan regulators.
    27. Roh, who has tried to follow moderate policies and portray himself as a populist, has not gained firm control of South Korea's turbulent politics.
    28. Used-car dealers portray themselves as authorized dealers for a particular manufacturer.
    29. No more saints." Fujimori says attempts to portray Change 90 as a disguised religious crusade are unfounded.
    30. "No longer would they be able to portray the U.S. Postal Service as a snail."
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