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 pondering   添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. They are pondering moving their offices outside London.
  2. He spent the day pondering the steps to be taken.

[ adj ]
deeply or seriously thoughtful
Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the 'Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man

Ponder \Pon"der\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pondered}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Pondering}.] [L. ponderare, fr. pondus, ponderis, a
weight, fr. pendere to weigh: cf. F. pond['e]rer. See
{Pendant}, and cf. {Pound} a weight.]
1. To weigh. [Obs.]

2. To weigh in the mind; to view with deliberation; to
examine carefully; to consider attentively.

Ponder the path of thy feet. --Prov. iv.

Syn: To {Ponder}, {Consider}, {Muse}.

Usage: To consider means to view or contemplate with fixed
thought. To ponder is to dwell upon with long and
anxious attention, with a view to some practical
result or decision. To muse is simply to think upon
continuously with no definite object, or for the
pleasure it gives. We consider any subject which is
fairly brought before us; we ponder a concern
involving great interests; we muse on the events of

Pondering \Pon"der*ing\, a.
Deliberating. -- {Pon"der*ing*ly}, adv.

  1. There's talk now that the FDA is pondering making implants available only to women who have lost breasts to cancer.
  2. The SEC is pondering the step as the political heat over the issue has reached searing levels.
  3. The Bush administration is pondering how to handle the situation, with a decision expected within a week or two.
  4. It is expected to spend months pondering over its ruling.
  5. While pondering his water options, Saddam Hussein must weigh his major vulnerability to attacks from the air.
  6. Some futures traders last week were pondering whether the Chicago Board of Trade might become a dumping ground for contaminated corn.
  7. Now the court goes into its third century pondering issues never dreamed of by the framers of the Constitution, ruling on such matters as burning the flag, abortion and affirmative action.
  8. Fang, 53, says he is happiest pondering the mysteries of the universe and has a poster of Albert Einstein hanging on the wall of his flat near Beijing University.
  9. "Thank you Mr. Cockburn." I drive east across Los Angeles toward the ABC studios, thinking about communism and capitalism, pondering my strategy.
  10. Wilson and Reid say they only were casually pondering a joint TV project when their zealous agents arranged a meeting with Kim LeMasters (now president of CBS Entertainment).
  11. After spending the week before Labor Day sitting by beaches pondering what to do next, many money managers are pulling in their horns.
  12. Wasserstein and Perella handed in their resignations, Mr. Maher sat in his 42nd-floor office pondering his own.
  13. A federal court in Lubbock, Texas, is pondering whether cowspeak is a protected trademark.
  14. He is probably still pondering the provision which ought to be made for new housing.
  15. The results, as with any forecast, should be interpreted with care. The two alternative courses, which Treasury ministers and civil servants will probably be pondering this weekend, are: Stay on course.
  16. Strategists involved in the situation were pondering the possibility that the whole bill might collapse if forces opposed to various provisions combined to bring it down.
  17. The changes are apparently designed to make the defense more amenable to both judges and state and federal legislators pondering changes in U.S. takeover laws.
  18. Now I must stay with his body." Long before the chronically ill former Philippines president died of cardiac arrest Thursday at the age of 72, the 20 or so members of his staff were pondering life without him.
  19. They passed a director, pondering the financial pages, working out the best time to take his share options, knowing that in a downsized, delayered workplace his own options were running out.
  20. Some executives pondering the stock market's gyrations think this is a terrible time to consider switching jobs.
  21. Now Mr. Ryskamp is pondering a large-print edition, in five volumes for easy handling; the book might carry added advice about death, illness, inheritance and other topics of interest to the elderly.
  22. The SIB is pondering proposals on how commissions paid by life companies are disclosed, and the complete separation of independent advisers and sales agents.
  23. Once it commences, Judge Cohill essentially will be pondering whether a $540 million issue of preferred stock that BNS is using to help finance the takeover is considered debt or equity.
  24. President Bush, pondering ways to retaliate for the reported hanging of Lt.
  25. An Iowa Republican's envelope came back unopened and stamped "Return to Sender." Undaunted, Kearney is pondering several other gimmicks to improve the nudist image among Washington power brokers.
  26. Bush and James A. Baker III, the U.S. secretary of state, are pondering their moves after a month in office.
  27. Foreign governments, already pondering the logistics of evacuating the Albanians in their missions and resettling them abroad, were faced with the more immediate problem of housing and feeding them in the meantime.
  28. In pondering how to react, one has to ask the reason for the enmity against so capable a jurist.
  29. Today, the 36-year-old former disk jockey and transcendental meditation teacher is pondering his next move.
  30. You could toy with the cold buffet by the pool, spend the afternoon pondering the weighty matter of which of the restaurants you fancied that night. Should it be casual and informal in the Villa Cliff?
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