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 polythene   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 聚乙烯

[化] 聚乙烯

[医] 聚乙烯

    [ noun ]
    a lightweight thermoplastic; used especially in packaging and insulation

    1. Marley said many building materials were supplied shrink-wrapped in polythene. A similar scheme launched by Second Life and the farmers' union had resulted in 4,000 tonnes of polythene film being recycled last year.
    2. Marley said many building materials were supplied shrink-wrapped in polythene. A similar scheme launched by Second Life and the farmers' union had resulted in 4,000 tonnes of polythene film being recycled last year.
    3. Partially biodegradable shopping bags are already manufactured from a thin matrix of conventional polythene filled in with starch.
    4. Here, Golby recommends lining each pot with a polythene bag to limit loss of water through its walls.
    5. Both remain substantial shareholders, on the board with Hall's holding accounting for more than 9.2m and Dodds 1.2m. Britton Group makes extruded polythene.
    6. Recently, I have swung back in favour of winter planting, because plants can be bought in winter from the open ground, not the misleading shelter of a polythene tunnel.
    7. She is the sort of speciality which you only see at a seasonal show and so I blessed the RHS's new willingness to allow plants to be bought throughout show hours and left with Eugenie in a polythene bag with the RHS symbol.
    8. The method of covering the seed pan with glass, polythene film or cling-film can be followed and will have the added advantage of maintaining a moist compost and a humid atmosphere. Mark well, however that they need light - not scorching sunshine.
    9. Three miles off the road to Caruaru, an agricultural town in Brazil's north-eastern state of Pernambuco, is a settlement of rickety huts made of bamboo frames and black polythene bags.
    10. Trading now takes place all round the calendar, thanks to the rise of the garden centre and the growing of plants in containers of black polythene.
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