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 pollination [,pɒli'neiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 授粉

[医] 授粉[作用], 传粉[作用]

    [ noun ]
    transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a plant

    Pollinate \Pol"li*nate\, v. t. (Bot.)
    To apply pollen to (a stigma). -- {Pol`li*na"tion}, n. (Bot.)

    1. As a result, pollination now is running behind schedule, leaving those crops vulnerable if hit by a blast of hot weather this month, said Larry Van Mier of the USDA's Economic Research Service in Washington.
    2. The recent below-normal temperatures have been "fantastic as far as pollination and silking" of corn is concerned, he said.
    3. Since I want to draw bees for pollination, I grow fennel, but plant it away from everything else." Haynes says she has tried to keep track of companion plantings for about 20 years and remains unconvinced.
    4. Because wet weather this spring delayed the growing season, much of the corn crop is only beginning to go through its critical pollination stage.
    5. Some domestic beekeepers are fearful that the spread of Africanized bees could jeopardize the U.S. industry, which includes commercial crop pollination services as well as honey production.
    6. Meanwhile, forecasts for a cool, dry weekend burdened corn prices, which is approaching its pollination stage.
    7. "But if another two or three weeks pass (without rain), there'll be no pollination.
    8. About $20 billion of farm crops each year are dependent on pollination by honeybees rented from beekeepers or maintained by farmers.
    9. About a million colonies of bees are involved in commercial crop pollination, about a third of all U.S. managed colonies, the report said.
    10. But the anatomy of many other plants makes it hazardous for hybrid seed producers to rely on the wind for cross pollination.
    11. Corn plants need the most moisture during the crop's pollination period in July, which determines the number of kernels on each ear.
    12. Commercial pollination ranges from blueberries and cranberries in New England to apples in the Northwest and New York to almonds in California and some citrus in Florida.
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