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 poignant ['pɒinәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 辛酸的, 尖锐的, 剧烈的

    [ adj ]
    1. arousing affect

    2. <adj.all>
      the homecoming of the released hostages was an affecting scene
      poignant grief cannot endure forever
      his gratitude was simple and touching
    3. keenly distressing to the mind or feelings

    4. <adj.all>
      poignant anxiety

    Poignant \Poign"ant\, a. [F., p. pr. of poindre to sting, fr. L.
    pungere to prick, sting. See {Pungent}.]
    1. Pricking; piercing; sharp; pungent. ``His poignant
    spear.'' --Spenser. ``Poynaunt sauce.'' --Chaucer.

    2. Fig.: Pointed; keen; satirical.

    His wit . . . became more lively and poignant. --Sir
    W. Scott.

    1. As in "The Red Line," the composer incorporates a cynical, Brechtian pop-music ballad; a fair amount of spoken, or nearspoken, dialogue; and poignant moments of lyricism amid the general moral and musical chaos.
    2. Old brick-built workshops nearby are empty and silent. It is a scene familiar from other former shipyard towns in northern Europe. But just across from the dry dock is a sight that makes the plight of Uddevalla especially poignant.
    3. I tried to keep this black centre going.' I asked about one more Verdi heroine, the poignant Leonora in The Force of Destiny, never free from the conflict between love and her family's opposition even after years in solitude.
    4. "For 17 years, the March for Life has served as a poignant reminder to all Americans that human life in all its forms must be respected.
    5. Mr. Bertolucci allows the sweep of 60 years of Chinese history to unfold around Pu Yi as background noise to his peculiar, poignant role in the emergence of modern China.
    6. More somber topics are covered by "Andre's Mother," McNally's poignant examination of what happens after the death of an AIDS victim, and a monologue by Arthur Miller on what a burglary does to one's sense of material possessions.
    7. Mr. Shafer's poignant tale brings the problem home better than all the experts and statistics in the world.
    8. To my ears, which recently heard the Arditti Quartet and friends sear their way through the original chamber version, the collective arrangement never sounds so febrile and poignant.
    9. He is comic and poignant at the same time, and with magnificent period costumes and sets, the film is 215 minutes of sheer poetry and pleasure.
    10. Their poignant childhood memories show that race has colored _ no pun intended _every aspect of this country's life.
    11. The pawn in all of this is, of course, the infant, andthe film makes that point in one poignant scene as Rick and a sheriff's deputy grapple for the child as the camera captures her terrified expression.
    12. Then Bush came forward and delivered a brief, poignant speech.
    13. It is but an open celebration of the work as it is, in all its variety, and a poignant memorial to an historic moment and opportunity lost.
    14. The church's ruin is a poignant symbol of post-war Berlin with its uncomfortable blend of pompous old and badly dated modern. Alas, the old 'Romanischen' was destroyed in the war.
    15. Some messages were poignant.
    16. One of these episodes offers a particularly poignant moment in the play.
    17. For the thousands of East German refugees, their dramatic train trip through their Communist homeland en route to the West was a bitter and poignant reminder of why they wanted out.
    18. It still stands, a poignant symbol of political failure. The peace line cuts across the back garden of Colette Mcferran's small terraced house in Cupar Street and still blocks out the light from her sitting room.
    19. Here, his Chopin (replacing Skryabin, Mozart and Brahms) was immaculate in its way, but distinctly tame. The opening of the big C minor Nocturne was superb and unexpected: a suspended hush, with beautifully liquid basses under a poignant singing line.
    20. Miskin does a good job of blending historic war footage and poignant interviews with elderly widows and veterans.
    21. A bright light, a vision, a death; then the poignant pleadings of her little daughter.
    22. There is also a poignant point where Mrs. Stuart's ex-boyfriend says the worst for him was reading her obituary.
    23. The solo cellos singing their poignant threnody in 'Oh, Delvig' were particularly fine.
    24. Completed in 1885, "The Potato Eaters" is one of van Gogh's most poignant depictions of poverty and hunger in the Netherlands. It shows a farm family seated around a table eating potatoes by lamplight, the hunger evident on their angular faces.
    25. Two blocks north of Lancaster Elementary School, the red brick house that was his first home stands vacant and decaying, a poignant reminder of reports that Higgins' captors had hanged the Marine lieutenant colonel.
    26. One of the more poignant ones is about the differences between Erich Honecker's politically stifled East Germany and the more free-spoken, but hungrier, Poland of Gen.
    27. Mr. Chabon's treatment of the broken family treads a fine line between showing the poignant sadness of the child facing the collapse of his once-happy world and reminding us that even childish innocence may not be totally innocent.
    28. One poignant plea was made to translate the constitution into Fijian from English so that some of the elder chiefs can read it.
    29. In its recent transfer to off-Broadway's Lucille Lortel Theater for an open-ended run, the musical remains funny and poignant.
    30. We were happy to read David Bar-Illan's poignant essay regarding cultural-exchange programs between the U.S. and the Soviet Union (editorial page, July 8).
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