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 plugging [plʌg]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Plug \Plug\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Plugged}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    To stop with a plug; to make tight by stopping a hole.

    Plugging \Plug"ging\, n.
    1. The act of stopping with a plug.

    2. The material of which a plug or stopple is made.

    1. In March, the Consumer Product Safety Commission rejected a ban on lawn darts, but Snow kept plugging, backed by his wife, Linda.
    2. The Weekend FT has been plugging the 5th issue of index-linked National Savings for a long time now and it is hoped that readers have stocked up on the issue, which paid 4.5 per cent above inflation, tax-free.
    3. Listening to Pat Robertson sometimes is a little like plugging into a data base quietly gone berserk.
    4. John Logsdon, director of the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University, says NASA should keep plugging away.
    5. Expanding Grassroots's operations to include foreign markets is aimed at plugging that hole.
    6. The rising cost of creating new offerings and plugging them with expensive TV commercials has made toymakers conservative.
    7. The president was in midseason form, plugging GOP candidates from Vice President George Bush right down to those running for the state legislature.
    8. Mayor David N. Dinkins, 10 months in office, is plugging a $1.8 billion budget deficit just three months into the fiscal year and grappling with a gap for next year.
    9. At the end of the game, players can compare their scores to other players by plugging a phone to the back of the unit for a few seconds.
    10. After plugging various assumptions into a statistical model, the study projects that the U.S. trade deficit will contract.
    11. We just keep plugging along," Ledford said.
    12. I happen to have a review copy, courtesy of the Books editor. 'Theroux is in Western Australia, plugging his latest novel.
    13. In view of his recent success, he says he plans to keep plugging away on stage and on record.
    14. Although publicly the White House says it will keep plugging away, privately officials have been increasingly pessimistic that a pact can be reached in time to avoid the cuts.
    15. Miller, 58, denied the charge and kept plugging away at the major themes of his campaign, including support for a state lottery.
    16. In order to stave off threatened sanctions last month, Japanese industry officials met in Las Vegas to discuss ways of plugging in more American parts.
    17. He agreed to let a local radio station put a decal on his car in return for plugging his sponsors.
    18. Putting yourself in the proper frame of mind can help you beat the heat as much as plugging in the air conditioner, psychologists say.
    19. But the creation of space in the factory gives the opportunity not only of plugging a few gaps in Atco-Qualcast's lawnmower range but also, Mr Roberts hints, for eventually finding a new business that might reduce the company's 'seasonality'.
    20. A number of firms, typically low-cost legal clinics, began plugging their services in television commercials and on highway billboards.
    21. Buxton said CFC consumption could be sharply cut immediately through "good housekeeping," such as plugging leaks in air conditioners and ending such "frivolous" uses such as making party streamers.
    22. But if you just know who you are and keep plugging along, sooner or later the little crack in the wall gets bigger.
    23. These batteries can also be charged by plugging them into electrical outlets or other solar panels.
    24. "Can you imagine a television commercial plugging horse meat?" asks Rene Laporte, director of the French federation of meat producers.
    25. Mr Kunert even hints that it could extend its presence, plugging gaps in Rus Otis, which maintains some 40,000 lifts.
    26. But now, the state-supported school faces growing questions from applicants exposed to marketing pitches from nearby institutions plugging their accredited status.
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