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 pliability [,plaiә'biliti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 易弯性, 柔韧(性), 可挠性

    [ noun ]
    1. the property of being easily bent without breaking

    2. <noun.attribute>
    3. adaptability of mind or character

    4. <noun.attribute>
      he was valued for his reliability and pliability
      he increased the leanness and suppleness of the organization

    Pliability \Pli`a*bil"i*ty\, n.
    The quality or state of being pliable; flexibility; as,
    pliability of disposition. ``Pliability of movement.'' --Sir
    W. Scott.

    1. Investigators also found that freezing temperatures the night before the launch stiffened the joint's rubber-like O-ring seal, causing it to lose pliability and contributing to the failure.
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