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 platform ['plætfɒ:m]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 站台, 月台, 讲台, 论坛, 平台

[计] 平台

[化] 站; 平台; 装卸台

    [ noun ]
    1. a raised horizontal surface

    2. <noun.artifact>
      the speaker mounted the platform
    3. a document stating the aims and principles of a political party

    4. <noun.communication>
      their candidate simply ignored the party platform
      they won the election even though they offered no positive program
    5. the combination of a particular computer and a particular operating system

    6. <noun.artifact>
    7. any military structure or vehicle bearing weapons

    8. <noun.artifact>
    9. a woman's shoe with a very high thick sole

    10. <noun.artifact>

    Platform \Plat"form`\, v. t.
    1. To place on a platform. [R.]

    2. To form a plan of; to model; to lay out. [Obs.]

    Church discipline is platformed in the Bible.

    Platform \Plat"form`\, n. [Plat, a. + -form: cf. F. plateforme.]
    1. A plat; a plan; a sketch; a model; a pattern. Used also
    figuratively. [Obs.] --Bacon.

    2. A place laid out after a model. [Obs.]

    lf the platform just reflects the order. --Pope.

    3. Any flat or horizontal surface; especially, one that is
    raised above some particular level, as a framework of
    timber or boards horizontally joined so as to form a roof,
    or a raised floor, or portion of a floor; a landing; a
    dais; a stage, for speakers, performers, or workmen; a
    standing place.

    4. A declaration of the principles upon which a person, a
    sect, or a party proposes to stand; a declared policy or
    system; as, the Saybrook platform; a political platform.
    ``The platform of Geneva.'' --Hooker.

    5. (Naut.) A light deck, usually placed in a section of the
    hold or over the floor of the magazine. See {Orlop}.

    {Platform car}, a railway car without permanent raised sides
    or covering; a f?at.

    {Platform scale}, a weighing machine, with a flat platform on
    which objects are weighed.

    Halfpace \Half"pace`\ (-p[=a]s`), n. (Arch.)
    A platform of a staircase where the stair turns back in
    exactly the reverse direction of the lower flight. See

    Note: This term and {quarterpace} are rare or unknown in the
    United States, {platform} or {landing} being used

    1. It was raised more than 1m off the ground on thick trunks, and the eaves of its thatched roof sloped down almost to the level of the platform. The Sakuddai are justifiably proud of their homes.
    2. And while Solidarity had years of struggle that also let the Polish opposition fine-tune its platform, East Germany's pro-democracy forces suddenly have been thrown into the breach.
    3. Analysts said the LX platform won't come out before the 1996 model year.
    4. And despite a strongly anti-abortion plank in the Republican Party's platform, party officials have made clear they do not want the issue to be a litmus test for the party's candidates or supporters.
    5. Cook's tax-cutting platform has drawn support from the party's ultra-conservative right wing.
    6. Dukakis predicted there would be "a floor fight or two" over platform issues, but none that would split the party.
    7. Michael Barnes, a former Maryland congressman who is the chief Dukakis liaison with the platform committee, said, "There will be a draft put before the members Friday morning."
    8. Shell's platform was damaged by an explosion April 18, causing the shutdown of a transportation and production system for Brent crude, a key international grade of crude oil.
    9. Commissioned in 1874 from the architect Hippolyte Destailleurs, it took 15 years to complete. The situation, atop a pointed hill, was unpromising but the peak was sliced off and a huge artificial platform was erected to accommodate the house.
    10. But he switched parties because he calculated that the campaign leading to the Sept. 11 GOP primary would be a good forum for his platform of "immediate legalization" of marijuana and the licensing of other drugs.
    11. Imanyara edited the Nairobi Law Monthly magazine, which served as a platform for the advocates of political pluralism in this East African nation.
    12. The platform was not identified by name or exact location, although the statement said it was not the Rostam platform.
    13. The platform was not identified by name or exact location, although the statement said it was not the Rostam platform.
    14. "We're at the stage where most Americans, including members of this committee, are just starting to address the substance of this issue," says Rep. Bill McCollum of Florida, a member of the platform committee.
    15. The storm gave "48 Hours" a chance to do what it was originally designed to do _ provide an instant prime-time platform for a breaking news story.
    16. The dirty concrete platform was overhung by pipes and wires.
    17. But he added that his supporters may take their issues to the full convention if they feel slighted by party platform writers.
    18. Union Texas Petroleum Holdings Inc., Houston, said a unit received $127.8 million from its insurers for property damage on the Piper Alpha oil platform, which exploded in the North Sea in July.
    19. Two-thirds of the platform sank, trapping many victims.
    20. Annual insurance premiums for physical damage to similar rigs in the North Sea range from 1% to 1.5% of a platform's replacement cost.
    21. Unocal Corp. said it began producing oil from Platform Irene, the first offshore platform in Southern California's Santa Maria Basin.
    22. Kimball, an Olympic silver medalist in 1984, finished fourth Sunday in his best event _ the 10-meter platform _ after earlier finishing sixth in springboard at the U.S. Olympic diving trials.
    23. Doris Engineering of France, head of a group of companies, received a $1.1 billion contract to construct the production platform.
    24. The Interfax report also says the Gorbachev platform calls for a new executive committee that would include representatives of the 15 republics.
    25. The front's political platform will be announced soon, he said.
    26. Sergey Leiferkus, an outstanding artist on the concert platform no less than on the operatic stage, seems in peak form just now.
    27. His lecture on Monday was free of the tiresome infelicities that sometimes mar his platform oratory.
    28. 'It means a consciousness of freedom with responsibility.' Mr Brunner is clear that his main platform is anti-European.
    29. On the platform, a group armed with machetes and crude spears questioned people getting off a train.
    30. Patiashvili said the 106-member Georgian delegation is still meeting in his republic to decide its platform at the conference.
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