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 placement ['pleismәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 放置, 布置, 工作安排, 编班, 定位球

[计] 放置

[化] 部位

[经] 募集资金, 资金安排

    [ noun ]
    1. the spatial property of the way in which something is placed

    2. <noun.attribute>
      the arrangement of the furniture
      the placement of the chairs
    3. contact established between applicants and prospective employees

    4. <noun.act>
      the agency provided placement services
    5. the act of putting something in a certain place

    6. <noun.act>

    Placement \Place"ment\, n. [Cf. F. placement.]
    1. The act of placing, or the state of being placed.

    2. Position; place.

    1. Jewish groups have said the convent and the placement of religious symbols at Auschwitz, including a 23-foot-high cross, is deeply offensive to them.
    2. College placement officials say that just 20 percent to 25 percent of students graduating have jobs set, but things could change by the end of May, Challenger said in a telephone interview.
    3. HQ Office Supplies said its "repositioning" is due in part to its inability to close financing on a $40 million private preferred equity placement during the fall of 1990.
    4. The utility plans to finance the station with Dollars 40m of its own capital, credits worth Dollars 48m, and a share placement of Dollars 74m.
    5. They paid the agency $1,000 in registration and placement fees, and advanced the woman's $224 air fare.
    6. That was the smallest second-quarter placement of cattle in feedlots since 1975, the report said.
    7. However, Nomura has applied for a Securities Registration Statement which allows unlimited placement.
    8. Aside from the influential name of the borrower, the issue offers potentially greater liquidity because of its wider international placement.
    9. D'Arcy will plan media buying with NBC's in-house advertising staff and will handle placement of all print, outdoor and radio advertisements.
    10. An advertising agency, for example, might offer a work placement to someone from a PR company, and vice versa.
    11. A few states limit placement of vending machines to places that do not allow children, and Utah had limited success in an experiment using locking devices that required an employee to activate the machine, the report said.
    12. Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. was the company's placement agent.
    13. "The Fords and Exxons and Eli Lilly's are looking for 1988 to be the banner year in which they once again get their share of the best and the brightest," says James Beirne, Wharton's placement director.
    14. Some students uninterested in CIA work waded through the pickets anyway to talk to recruiters as a sort of counterprotest, university placement director Gordon Gray said Thursday.
    15. The company said it is exploring, through Bear, Stearns & Co. a possible private placement of the Class A common stock.
    16. He could sell about 50% of the company in a private placement for perhaps $3 million, he says, but that would be too little capital for too much loss of control.
    17. Still, many students use advanced placement credits as a cushion to lessen their course load or to take a job.
    18. They will be offered severance packages and placement services.
    19. And the executives insist that many brands featured in movies don't pay for the placement anyway.
    20. PS Indiana Treasurer Steve Harkness said the utility has gone the private placement route in the past few years because it has allowed the utility faster access to the credit markets than if it sold the bonds publicly.
    21. Clearly Canadian said Kemper Securities Group Inc. agreed to broker the private placement on a best-efforts basis.
    22. According to the filing, the Pappajohns purchased 50,000 shares on March 12 in the open market at $3.39 a share and 300,000 shares on April 11 from the company in a private placement at $1 a share.
    23. Of the 79.3m shares to be sold, 47.6m will go to a public share offering for French and EC citizens and there will be a placement of 31.7m shares for French and international institutional investors.
    24. While banks can't yet underwrite stock offerings publicly, they can sell securities such as AMR's preferred in the so-called private placement market.
    25. BANK of East Asia, Hong Kong's fourth-largest banking group, has raised HKDollars 1.9bn (Dollars 245m) from a placement of new shares.
    26. Cox told employees it will try to find them jobs in the company and retained a job placement service.
    27. One dealer said one reason for the stock's decline was the placement of a chunk of shares by broker Cazenove.
    28. It's a bad idea, placement firms say.
    29. Details of the private placement will be announced next month.
    30. But Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc., a New York investment company, guaranteed the sale of $100 million in the placement, Abboud said.
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