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 pinkish ['piŋkiʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 略带桃色的

    [ adj ]
    of a light shade of red

    Pinkish \Pink"ish\, a.
    Somewhat pink.

    1. In two weeks or so, tiny pinkish eyes should appear.
    2. Woodfield Brothers, of Tiddington, near Stratford-upon-Avon (0789-205618), crowned their superb display of new lupins with a pale pinkish number called Gloria Hunniford.
    3. Voyager revealed two bizarre types of ice volcanoes on icy, pinkish Triton.
    4. From Parliament hill, you can cool down looking at Mr. Safdie's shimmering stretch of silvery blue glass and pinkish granite.
    5. On the front are remnants of the pinkish paint and gold leaf used for decoration, with some pictures of Egyptian gods including Horus, the god of heaven; and Osiris, the god of vegetation and later of death.
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