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 pigskin ['pigskin]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 猪皮, 猪皮革, 马鞍

    [ noun ]
    leather from the skin of swine

    Pigskin \Pig"skin`\ (p[i^]g"sk[i^]n`), n.
    1. The skin of a pig, -- used chiefly for making saddles;
    hence, a colloquial or slang term for a saddle.

    2. A football; -- so called because the covering is often
    made of pigskin. [Colloq.]
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. Commercially, it isn't just fashion houses like Onward and Renown that are wrapping themselves in pigskin.
    2. Starting quarterback Yuri Boldin, who hurled the javelin for years before he touched a pigskin, said the Bears hoped only to show they understand the game.
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