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 piggy ['pigi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 小猪

a. 贪心的, 似猪的, 邋遢的

    piggier, piggiest
    [ noun ]
    1. a young pig

    2. <noun.animal>
    [ adj ]
    1. resembling swine; coarsely gluttonous or greedy

    2. <adj.all>
      piggish table manners
      the piggy fat-cheeked little boy and his porcine pot-bellied father
      swinish slavering over food

    1. When the piggy bank reached 5,000 yen, the holder could swap it for an investment trust certificate.
    2. He said the debit at the bank prosecutors contend Mrs. Marcos used as her personal "piggy bank" climbed from $500,000 in 1973 to as much as $22 million in 1984.
    3. They suggest that far from being a hapless bystander in BCCI's affairs, the sheik and his government were major participants in the bank's business, sometimes even treating it as a kind of global piggy bank.
    4. "Many of these high fliers used their S&Ls as private piggy banks," the General Accounting Office reported.
    5. Kuwait's money supply also is swinging about as citizens liberate hidden piggy banks.
    6. We settle on a $2.50 piggy bank and a $16 tank top.
    7. Without the beef, this little piggy can stay home or take the earmarked route to market.
    8. I had to rob my kid's piggy banks," he said.
    9. Paul, 51, is accused of using CenTrust as his own personal piggy bank. Regulators say depositors' money paid for gold-plated bathroom plumbing and a $29-million art collection that included a $13-million painting by Flemish master Peter Paul Rubens.
    10. Imelda Marcos treated the New York branch of the Philippine National Bank as her "own personal piggy bank," a federal prosecutor said Tuesday at the start of the embezzlement case against the former Philippine first lady.
    11. "The regulators let some real sharpies slip into the system, high fliers who looked upon their institutions as personal piggy banks to serve their own irresponsible, sometimes criminal ends," he said.
    12. The local bank has a black piggy bank on the counter with the name Chief taped to the side.
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