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 piddling ['pidliŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不重要的, 琐屑的

    [ adj ]
    (informal) small and of little importance
    a fiddling sum of moneya footling gesture
    our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war
    a little (or small) matter
    a dispute over niggling details
    limited to petty enterprises
    piffling efforts
    giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction

    Piddling \Pid"dling\, a.
    Trifling; trivial; frivolous; paltry; -- applied to persons
    and things.

    The ignoble hucksterage of piddling tithes. --Milton.

    Piddle \Pid"dle\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Piddled}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Piddling}.] [Cf. dial. Sw. pittla to keep picking at, Sw.
    peta to pick.]
    1. To deal in trifles; to concern one's self with trivial
    matters rather than with those that are important.

    2. To be squeamishly nice about one's food. --Swift.

    3. To urinate; -- child's word.

    1. Sure we have problems, but they're piddling compared with woes of any other country or of our country at most other times.
    2. And if you wonder why Americans don't save more, consider that interest earned, even on piddling savings accounts at modest rates, is subject to income taxes.
    3. In an interview in The Washington Post published Friday, Mrs. Wright said the firm was a "a piddling little mom-and-pop operation" and she never kept any records of her work.
    4. The stock was at $16.75 a share in late September when Mr. Davenport sold 3,000 shares, leaving him with 76,500. He termed the sale a "piddling amount" designed to pay the taxes on stock grants received from the company.
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