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 phantom ['fæntәm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 幻影, 虚位, 幽灵, 化身, 令人恐惧的事物, 骇人的想法

a. 幻觉的, 幻影的, 幽灵的, 虚无飘渺的, 捉摸不定的, 有名无实的

[医] 幻象, 模型

    [ noun ]
    1. a ghostly appearing figure

    2. <noun.person>
      we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us
    3. something existing in perception only

    4. <noun.cognition>
      a ghostly apparition at midnight
    [ adj ]
    1. something apparently sensed but having no physical reality

    2. <adj.all>
      seemed to hear faint phantom bells
      the amputee's illusion of a phantom limb

    Phantom \Phan"tom\, n. [OE. fantome, fantosme, fantesme, OF.
    fant[^o]me, fr. L. phantasma, Gr. ?, fr. ? to show. See
    {Fancy}, and cf. {Pha["e]ton}, {Phantasm}, {Phase}.]
    That which has only an apparent existence; an apparition; a
    specter; a phantasm; a sprite; an airy spirit; an ideal

    Strange phantoms rising as the mists arise. --Pope.

    She was a phantom of delight. --Wordsworth.

    {Phantom ship}. See {Flying Dutchman}, under {Flying}.

    {Phantom tumor} (Med.), a swelling, especially of the
    abdomen, due to muscular spasm, accumulation of flatus,
    etc., simulating an actual tumor in appearance, but
    disappearing upon the administration of an an[ae]sthetic.

    Phantom \Phan"tom\, a.
    Being, or of the nature of, a phantom.

    Phantom isles are floating in the skies. --B. Taylor.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. University of Utah President Chase N. Peterson, a cheerleader for the phantom phenomenon of tabletop fusion, is retiring under fire for a hidden, $500,000 transfer of money toward its development.
    2. The newspaper said its investigation concluded that the phantom force was created in 1984 by Vito Castellano, commander of the New York state guard from 1975 to 1986 who became ensnared in the Wedtech scandal.
    3. The newspaper said a phantom force was created in 1984 by Vito Castellano, who was commander from 1975 to 1986 and reportedly retired under pressure.
    4. To increase the odds that there will be room for them to upgrade their tickets, some frequent fliers are booking phantom travelers in first class.
    5. Meanwhile, a handful of other fund holders face a rude awakening concerning so-called phantom income tax.
    6. His phantom revellers are embodiments of James Ensor's paintings, resembling harlequins from Ensor's 'La Gamme d'Amour'.
    7. "The last thing I want is to make phantom taxes for our holders."
    8. She's the phantom and wants to make Julie the star." Burnett is interviewed in her third-floor production office at the Disney Studios, where she is making her new series for NBC, "Carol & Company."
    9. Major industries are covering up lack of real progress in pollution control through "phantom reductions" in toxic emissions, the National Wildlife Federation said Thursday.
    10. The Post said a high-ranking Guard official who asked not to be further identified said he followed Castellano's orders to list 2,500 phantom soldiers on the roster.
    11. Dorothy Silber knew the phantom had struck when she discovered a row of marigolds underneath a window at her office.
    12. For example Professor Robertson attacks some modular courses which have already been introduced in the UK as 'phantom' arrangements.
    13. The only thing it is good for is to pay taxes on." But could not the recipient simply write off the "phantom income" as an investment expense?
    14. People will vote for Mr Blair, said this phantom Tory, 'without feeling they are voting for Labour'. The young pretender will thank nobody for recycling that observation.
    15. For example, lucrative government contracts have been won by a phantom holding company, Corporacion H, that is run by Christian Democratic leaders, including some members of President Duarte's family.
    16. The phantom race for Mr John Major's job is sheer entertainment.
    17. The Mideast crisis should lay rest to talk about a "peace dividend" in the defense budget. "I've always thought that was a phantom.
    18. And lacking offsetting losses, it's best to avoid triggering tax on phantom gains indefinitely.
    19. Mr. Sherwin's appeal, which will be argued by New York lawyer Arthur Liman, calls testimony about the possibly phantom phone call "outright perjury."
    20. Naturally he has been investigating a phantom cash-point withdrawal spotted on his bank statement.
    21. Officials also are hunting phantom workers _ the no-show cronies who regularly received government paychecks.
    22. Competing with phantom suitors, Campeau has used the sweeteners in an attempt to keep the upper hand.
    23. Without those phantom assets, 78 S&Ls with assets exceeding $1 billion are insolvent, according to Federal Home Loan Bank Board data compiled by Veribanc.
    24. Presser has been indicted on charges that he authorized the payment of union funds to so-called "phantom employees."
    25. Britain's Serious Fraud Office said it will investigate the circumstances surrounding alleged phantom contracts at Ferranti International Signal PLC's International Signal & Control unit.
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