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 penitence ['penitәns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 后悔, 忏悔, 改过

[法] 悔罪, 悔过, 忏悔

    [ noun ]
    remorse for your past conduct

    Penitence \Pen"i*tence\, n. [F. p['e]nitence, L. paenitentia.
    See {Penitent}, and cf. {Penance}.]
    The quality or condition of being penitent; the disposition
    of a penitent; sorrow for sins or faults; repentance;
    contrition. ``Penitence of his old guilt.'' --Chaucer.

    Death is deferred, and penitenance has room
    To mitigate, if not reverse, the doom. --Dryden.

    Syn: Repentance; contrition; compunction.

    1. When she was confronted with the fraud allegation, she offered "no admission, no regrets, no penitence," Beckiewicz said.
    2. The Anglican bishop of Whitby, the Right Rev. Gordon Bates, said he was saddened by the decision. "It is very difficult to have a service of penitence and reconciliation if the Catholics are not prepared to be involved," he said.
    3. Lent, a period of fasting and penitence before Easter, should bring a "purification of the heart," he said in remarks at his general audience.
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