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 penicillin [ˌpeni'silinˌpə'ni-]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 盘尼西林, 青霉素

[化] 青霉素

[医] 青霉素

  1. The nurse injected penicillin into her arm.
  2. Allergic children; highly allergic to penicillin.

[ noun ]
any of various antibiotics obtained from Penicillium molds (or produced synthetically) and used in the treatment of various infections and diseases

penicillin \pen`i*cil"lin\, n. [From Penicillium, the fungus
genus from which it was first isolated.] (Chem.)
Any of a variety of substances having a structure containing
a beta-lactam ring fused to a thiirane ring, to which a
carboxyl group is attached, most commonly referring to
{benzyl penicillin}. They are notable as powerful
antibacterial agents of relatively low toxicity which have
found extensive use in medicine for treating bacterial
infections. They are categorized as one of the classes of
beta-lactam antibiotic. They are produced naturally by some
fungi and bacteria, and industrial production processes
almost invariably start from some form of the penicillin
nucleus produced by fermentation of microorganisms. The
fermentation products are then chemically modified to produce
derivatives of enhanced potency, safety, or antibacterial
spectrum. The first penicillin to see extensive use
clinically (during World War II) was {penicillin G}, also
called {benzypenicillin}, and commonly simply ``penicillin''.

Note: [hand]The characteristic portion of the structure
characterizing a penicillin is the bicyclic structure
acid. The different penicillins have varying acyl
groups forming an amide bond with a nitrogen attached
to the 6-carbon of this nucleus. This distinguishes it
from the other classes of beta-lactam antibiotic, the
{cephalosporins}, {thienamycins} and {sulfazecin}.

Lactam \Lac"tam\, n. [Lactone + amido.] (Chem.)
One of a series of anhydrides of an amido type, analogous to
the lactones, as oxindol; a cyclic amide.

{beta-lactam} or {[beta]-lactam},
(a) a lactam in which the amide bond is contained within a
four-membered ring, which includes the amide nitrogen and
the carbonyl carbon.
(b) an antibiotic containing a beta-lactam, such as a
{penicillin}, {cephalosporin}, or {carbapenem}; also
called a {beta-lactam antibiotic}. [informal, laboratory

  1. Syphilis, a common sexually transmitted disease, can be treated in most cases with penicillin or other antibiotics, although it's too late to reverse birth defects in many children born with the disease.
  2. "The doctor keeps putting penicillin into the patient, but the patient's not responding," says Brett Brubaker, president of Abraham & Sons, a Chicago money management firm.
  3. States currently rely on a method originally designed to detect penicillin and which also detects other antibiotics but not with the same sensitivity.
  4. Hence, TPA is no latter-day penicillin.
  5. "In the outlying areas a lot of people are still using penicillin, which can be a problem," she said.
  6. Mr. el-Sayed, who was unavailable for comment yesterday, guided Fermenta in three years from being a little-known bulk producer of penicillin into being one of Sweden's highest-flying public companies, and then to the brink of collapse.
  7. The onset of toxic shock caused what Bradley termed "full cardiac arrest," in addition to kidney, liver and respiratory failure, before infusions of penicillin began to reduce the effects of the bacteria.
  8. Raw and processed milk that is susceptible to interstate shipment is now tested by states for penicillin and penicillin-related drug products.
  9. A department spokesman said conservation officials received information that an unidentified substance was leaking from the company's penicillin plant in DeWitt, N.Y.
  10. Partner notification, the CDC noted, has been a key part of efforts to fight sexually transmitted diseases since the advent of penicillin to treat syphilis in the 1940s.
  11. In the past, the court has ruled on such weighty questions as the existence of Santa Claus or if chicken soup deserved to be considered Jewish penicillin.
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