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 pectorals 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 胸肌;胸饰;治疗胸肺药物

  1. Pectorals are the motor for 80 percent of flight, ” said Dr. Tobalske, which explains why they are the largest part of the anatomy.
    “鸟儿的胸部提供了飞行的80%的动力,” 托巴尔斯科博士说,这说明了为什么胸部是鸟儿骨骸中最大的部位的原因。
  2. In a parody of muscle beach, all the guys removed their shirts and posed as the women took pictures of the bulging biceps, pectorals, and deltoids.
  3. The birds, ranging from delicate diamond doves to burly ravens, have crystal sensors surgically implanted in their pectorals and elsewhere that measure muscle contractions as they fly.

Pectoral \Pec"to*ral\ (p[e^]k"t[-o]*ral), a. [L. pectoralis, fr.
pectus, -oris the breast; cf. F. pectoral.]
1. Of or pertaining to the breast, or chest; as, the pectoral

2. Relating to, or good for, diseases of the chest or lungs;
as, a pectoral remedy.

3. (Zo["o]l.) Having the breast conspicuously colored; as,
the pectoral sandpiper.

{Pectoral arch}, or {Pectoral girdle} (Anat.), the two or
more bony or cartilaginous pieces of the vertebrate
skeleton to which the fore limbs are articulated; the
shoulder girdle. In man it consists of two bones, the
scapula and clavicle, on each side.

{Pectoral cross} (Eccl.), a cross worn on the breast by
bishops and abbots, and sometimes also by canons.

{Pectoral fins}, or {Pectorals} (Zo["o]l.), fins situated on
the sides, behind the gills. See Illust. under {Fin}.

{Pectoral rail}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Land rail}
(b) under {Land}.

{Pectoral sandpiper} (Zo["o]l.), the jacksnipe
(b) .

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