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 peaceably   添加此单词到默认生词本
和平地, 温和地

    [ adv ]
    in a peaceable manner
    the tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and performing the several covenants herein on his part contained shall peaceably hold and enjoy the demised premises

    Peaceable \Peace"a*ble\, a. [OE. peisible, F. paisible.]
    Begin in or at peace; tranquil; quiet; free from, or not
    disposed to, war, disorder, or excitement; not quarrelsome.
    -- {Peace"a*ble*ness}, n. -- {Peace"a*bly}, adv.

    Syn: Peaceful; pacific; tranquil; quiet; mild; undisturbed;
    serene; still.

    Usage: {Peaceable}, {Peaceful}. Peaceable describes the state
    of an individual, nation, etc., in reference to
    external hostility, attack, etc.; peaceful, in respect
    to internal disturbance. The former denotes ``in the
    spirit of peace;'' latter; ``in the possession or
    enjoyment of peace.'' A peaceable adjustment of
    difficulties; a peaceful life, scene.

    1. In the end, Mr. Leven went peaceably.
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