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 past-due 添加此单词到默认生词本



    1. The skirmish over the Embassy building came on a measure sought by the administration that also would authorize spending $474 million to pay past-due dues to the United Nations.
    2. An Equimark official said the company was pleased with the upgrade, adding that Equimark had "almost fully recovered" from non-performing and past-due loan problems.
    3. First Fidelity Bancorp. expects to set aside up to $300 million in the second quarter for past-due loans and to slash its dividend 40%.
    4. Maxicare cited a backlog of past-due debts to providers among the reasons for seeking protection from creditors.
    5. J.P. Morgan said it received $240 million of past-due interest from Brazil during the final quarter of 1988.
    6. As of June 30, Midlantic's reserve for losses stood at $550 million, or 76% of its past-due loans.
    7. Rax Restaurants Inc. said it expects to report a net loss of about $6.5 million for its fourth quarter ended July 31, mainly because of write-offs associated with past-due royalty discounts to franchisees.
    8. Those past-due payments would be satisfied by the issuance of the new stock and bond issues.
    9. Worse, its nonperforming loans, which include past-due loans, total an unhealthy $3.92 billion, or 15.9% of total assets.
    10. The Farmers Home Administration is mailing out today the last of 83,480 delinquency notices to farmers who owe more than $8 billion in past-due government loans.
    11. Bancpro plans to handle its own troubled loans and raise needed capital if the FSLIC will raise the merged group's net worth to zero, grant forbearances on other capital requirements and provide a profit margin on nonperforming, or past-due, loans.
    12. It also computerized its criminal records system and paid past-due bills to rejoin Interpol, the international police network, in 1986.
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