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 parolee   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 假释犯

[法] 获假释者, 假释犯

    [ noun ]
    someone released on probation or on parole

    1. Investigators theorize the parolee was driving to Oklahoma to dispose of the body.
    2. "He's under the most restrictive parole ever for a California parolee," Kindel said. "He will be accompanied by a parole officer 24 hours a day.
    3. Opening arguments began in the suit of former bank executive Linda Grantham, 46, of Florence, who was shot in February 1985 by parolee Clem Jimpson.
    4. A statement from Chatauqua County Sheriff Butch Lewis said a car driven by the parolee struck a pickup truck Sunday morning on U.S. 166 southeast of Sedan in far southeastern Kansas.
    5. The man, a parolee who was once accused of making a telephone threat against the life of President Reagan, was chased for about four blocks by about eight people, surrounded and held until police arrived, officers said.
    6. Cruz, a former paratrooper and prison parolee, previously has been convicted of burglary, grand larceny and criminal possession of stolen property.
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