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 parietal [pә'raiitәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 周壁的, 体壁的, 顶骨的, 侧膜的

n. 顶骨

[医] 壁的; 顶骨的

    [ adj ]
    of or relating to or associated with the parietal bones in the cranium
    parietal lobe

    Parietal \Pa*ri"e*tal\, n.
    1. (Anat.) One of the parietal bones.

    2. (Zo["o]l.) One of the special scales, or plates, covering
    the back of the head in certain reptiles and fishes.

    Parietal \Pa*ri"e*tal\, a. [L. parietalis, fr. paries, -ietis, a
    wall: cf. F. pari['e]tal. Cf. {Parietary}, {Pellitory}.]
    1. Of or pertaining to a wall; hence, pertaining to buildings
    or the care of them.

    2. Resident within the walls or buildings of a college.

    At Harvard College, the officers resident within the
    college walls constitute a permanent standing
    committee, called the Parietal Committee. --B. H.
    Hall (1856).

    3. (Anat.)
    (a) Of or pertaining to the parietes.
    (b) Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the parietal
    bones, which form the upper and middle part of the
    cranium, between the frontals and occipitals.

    4. (Bot.) Attached to the main wall of the ovary, and not to
    the axis; -- said of a placenta.

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