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 pacify ['pæsifai]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 使平静, 安慰, 绥靖, 使服从


    Pacify \Pac"i*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pacified}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Pacifying}.] [F. pacifier, L. pacificare; pax, pacis,
    peace + -ficare (in comp.) to make. See {Peace}, and {-fy}.]
    To make to be at peace; to appease; to calm; to still; to
    quiet; to allay the agitation, excitement, or resentment of;
    to tranquillize; as, to pacify a man when angry; to pacify
    pride, appetite, or importunity. ``Pray ye, pacify
    yourself.'' --Shak.

    Syn: lenify, assuage, appease, mollify, placate, gentle,
    [1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

    To pacify and settle those countries. --Bacon.

    1. Directors later killed the stock-option plan, but the retreat failed to pacify dissidents, as Fibreboard's fortunes sank along with those of the lumber industry.
    2. "There must be some measures to pacify shareholders or Texaco's in for a rocky time."
    3. Eight counties extended the quarantine 100 miles north but permitted managed colonies to move into the area. One plan under consideration would pacify the 'killer' bees by killing their queens and replacing them with Europeanised rulers.
    4. Latin American governments are reluctant to side with the United States in any dispute involving a neighbor, if only to pacify their own large numbers of left-leaning voters.
    5. Now, Tajikistan's most powerful political forces are the republic's paramount Moslem leader, Qazi (judge) Akhbar Toradzon Zoda, and the Islamic Renaissance party. The attempt to pacify Tajikistan follows more than a year of upheaval.
    6. They were upset at his committee's attempt to pacify the program critics by cutting the surtax paid by the more affluent elderly and making up the loss by shifting more of the burden to the elderly poor and by delaying some benefits by a year.
    7. The introduction of "friendly" troops clearly has helped pacify the Beijing residents, who no longer are gathering in the streets in large numbers to protest the weekend massacre.
    8. You can pacify them or you can confront them. The first route involves kowtowing, but may in some cases be the best option.
    9. Campbell's announced Tuesday it would eliminate 364 positions from its headquarters staff, a cut of 19 percent, in a bid to strengthen its bottom line and pacify disgruntled shareholders.
    10. Baghdad, freed from the gulf war against Iran by an Aug. 20 cease-fire, has been arming the Christians to sabotage Syria's efforts to pacify Lebanon.
    11. Their theory holds that talks will begin when all other solutions are seen to fail; that if death squads, elections and U.S. aid cannot pacify the nation, perhaps all sides will see negotiations as the only alternative.
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