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 ox [ɒks]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    1. an adult castrated bull of the genus Bos; especially Bos taurus

    2. <noun.animal>
    3. any of various wild bovines especially of the genera Bos or closely related Bibos

    4. <noun.animal>

    Ox \Ox\ ([o^]ks), n.; pl. {Oxen}. [AS. oxa; akin to D. os. G.
    ochs, ochse, OHG. ohso, Icel. oxi, Sw. & Dan. oxe, Goth.
    a['u]hsa, Skr. ukshan ox, bull; cf. Skr. uksh to sprinkle.
    [root]214. Cf. {Humid}, {Aurochs}.] (Zo["o]l.)
    The male of bovine quadrupeds, especially the domestic animal
    when castrated and grown to its full size, or nearly so. The
    word is also applied, as a general name, to any species of
    bovine animals, male and female.

    All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field.
    --Ps. viii. 7.

    Note: The castrated male is called a steer until it attains
    its full growth, and then, an ox; but if castrated
    somewhat late in life, it is called a stag. The male,
    not castrated, is called a bull. These distinctions are
    well established in regard to domestic animals of this
    genus. When wild animals of this kind are spoken of, ox
    is often applied both to the male and the female. The
    name ox is never applied to the individual cow, or
    female, of the domestic kind. Oxen may comprehend both
    the male and the female.

    {Grunting ox} (Zo["o]l.), the yak.

    {Indian ox} (Zo["o]l.), the zebu.

    {Javan ox} (Zo["o]l.), the banteng.

    {Musk ox}. (Zo["o]l.) See under {Musk}.

    {Ox bile}. See {Ox gall}, below.

    {Ox gall}, the fresh gall of the domestic ox; -- used in the
    arts and in medicine.

    {Ox pith}, ox marrow. [Obs.] --Marston.

    {Ox ray} (Zo["o]l.), a very large ray ({Dicerobatis
    Giorn[ae]}) of Southern Europe. It has a hornlike organ
    projecting forward from each pectoral fin. It sometimes
    becomes twenty feet long and twenty-eight feet broad, and
    weighs over a ton. Called also {sea devil}.

    {To have the black ox tread on one's foot}, to be
    unfortunate; to know what sorrow is (because black oxen
    were sacrificed to Pluto). --Leigh Hunt.

    1. People born under the sign of the ox are said to be marathon workers and empire-builders.
    2. Huge statues of Paul Bunyan and his ox, Babe, have been listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
    3. A terrible fate befalls Helge Roos (Stellan Skarsgard) when he kills a neighbour's ox to feed himself and his family during Sweden's 1860s famine.
    4. For 60 of his 89 years, the Rev. Arthur Le Blanc made his missionary rounds in an ox cart.
    5. Vietnamese biologists reportedly have sighted a rare Indochinese gray ox for the first time in nearly 20 years, raising hopes the endangered species can be saved from extinction.
    6. Remnants of an ancient Indian pueblo or centuries-old ox deposits?
    7. He and other tappers pool their money to rent a tractor and take the nuts outside the reserve to sell, thus avoiding the middlemen. Tappers deeper in the forest rely on ox cart and burro to get through the mud.
    8. "Everybody is against having their ox gored," Mr. Anderson said.
    9. "He's strong as an ox.
    10. Those who persist in seeing India as a backward land of ox carts and spinning wheels will be startled to learn that it is today the world's fourth-ranking military power.
    11. Main brought an ox through the front door and into the barroom of Gary's Restaurant on Route 49 about 10 p.m. Saturday, state police said.
    12. There had also been a large forest in this region, which was the haunt of the now extinct wild ox. I had learned about my Bolimow connections from Freda Etzioni, an Israeli cousin who was born in Bolimow and went to Palestine in 1934.
    13. All the way back to Bethlehem, when the ox and ass knelt with the shepherds at the manger and the Magi, magicians or wise men from the East, came calling, Christmas has been a time of mystery and magic.
    14. Pengun the musk ox has already learned to maneuver a ceiling sling at Point Defiance Zoo since her left foreleg was amputated in September.
    15. Made from cow or ox horns, these hollow flasks kept the soldier's powder dry.
    16. "You wanted to stop, but where?" Le Blanc reckons he has gone through four or five ox carts and an untold number of oxen.
    17. It lasted for months as the ox wagons jolted across the arid plains in search of the promised land. Lack of refrigeration was just one problem facing ox-wagon cooks.
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