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 overtone ['әuvәtәun]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 泛音, 暗示, 弦外之音, 折光的色彩

[医] 陪音, 泛音

    [ noun ]
    1. (usually plural) an ulterior implicit meaning or quality

    2. <noun.communication>
      overtones of despair
    3. a harmonic with a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency

    4. <noun.cognition>

    Overtone \O"ver*tone`\, n. [A translation of G. oberton. See
    {Over}, {Tone}.] (Mus.)
    One of the harmonics faintly heard with and at a higher
    frequency than a fundamental tone as it dies away, produced
    by some aliquot portion of the vibrating sting or column of
    air which yields the fundamental tone; one of the natural
    harmonic scale of tones, as the octave, twelfth, fifteenth,
    etc.; an aliquot or ``partial'' tone; a harmonic. See
    {Harmonic}, and {Tone}. --Tyndall.

    1. But the letter also had an overtone of exasperation.
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