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 overdone   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adj ]
    1. represented as greater than is true or reasonable

    2. <adj.all>
      an exaggerated opinion of oneself
    3. cooked too long but still edible

    4. <adj.all>

    Overdo \O`ver*do"\, v. t. [imp. {Overdid}; p. p. {Overdone}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Overdoing}.]
    1. To do too much; to exceed what is proper or true in doing;
    to exaggerate; to carry too far.

    Anything so overdone is from the purpose of playing.

    2. To overtask. or overtax; to fatigue; to exhaust; as, to
    overdo one's strength.

    3. To surpass; to excel. [R.] --Tennyson.

    4. To cook too much; as, to overdo the meat.

    overdone \o`ver*done"\, a.
    Cooked too long; overcooked.

    1. Similarly, Robert Prechter, the most celebrated of the current crop of stockmarket gurus, was telling his telephone call-in clients late Friday that the selling spree is grossly overdone.
    2. The deal is likely to enhance next year's earnings. Still, yesterday's 5 per cent share price increase looks overdone.
    3. "People have discounted Wednesday's performance because they realize it was overdone," one equity salesman said.
    4. But fears of a profits implosion, which have lingered on since the traumatic fall in Sainsbury's share price early this year, now look overdone.
    5. 'The fall has been overdone by whatever measures you apply,' she says.
    6. Land Securities added a more modest 2 at 588p. Volume for most property stocks remained light and dealers said the day's advance may have been overdone.
    7. "I have to admit it's a little overdone," he says of the film, "but it scared the hell out of us."
    8. Banks, many of them foreign, were outraged at being unable to enforce the contracts. In general, Mr Bamford believes concern that legal uncertainty is undermining London's position is overdone.
    9. Though the appearance of support for the dollar reassured traders that the currency hadn't overdone a recent rally, they predicted the uncertainty over the major U.S economic indicators will restrain any new buying.
    10. Yet the hand-wringing in Nicaragua (and in Washington) may be overdone.
    11. "The markets have become euphoric, and I think some of that euphoria is overdone," said Mr. Robertson of Mellon Bank.
    12. But earlier worries about inflation have been overdone.
    13. FOOD retail shares bounced forward as BZW, one of the sector's leading brokers, joined the growing band of commentators to believe that the share price falls of recent months have been overdone.
    14. On a 12-18 month view, buying shares below the 20,000 level should offer favourable returns. Looking at economic fundamentals, the 'doomsday scenario' of the Japanese economy put out by some pessimists may be overdone.
    15. "It is our judgment that the flexibility in the management of reserves has been overdone," said Don Reeves, a Nebraska farmer and policy analyst for Bread for the World, a 40,000 member Christian organization that wants to help alleviate world hunger.
    16. Thus, says Wright, "the current stock market price-earnings multiple of 12, while only average for the postwar period, may yet prove to be excessive in today's environment." Is the obsession with interest rates overdone?
    17. But expectations of economic recovery, which have been keeping investors away, are showing signs of a retreat. Many analysts believe that since recovery will be slow, and deflationary pressures will persist, the bond market sell-off has been overdone.
    18. But, according to analysts at Credit Lyonnais Laing in London, the finrand's discount to the commercial rand is probably overdone.
    19. No wonder that the de-rating endured by the sector over the past year has accelerated, with stores' shares underperforming the market by nearly 6 per cent in the last three weeks. Is the gloom overdone?
    20. Dealers attributed the recovery to sentiment that Tuesday's sell-off in New York might have been overdone. ZINC prices fell on the LME, although the premium for cash metal remains high at Dollars 150.50 a tonne.
    21. One chief economist of a leading Riyadh-based bank suggests that the headlong rush in the construction sector is already overdone.
    22. Criticism of the Treasury can be overdone.
    23. The selling may have been overdone and Wednesday's modest recovery was described by traders as a technical correction.
    24. Is there a danger that the renaissance of Sir Edward Heath, elder statesman, is being a bit overdone?
    25. NatWest Securities became the latest broker to turn more positive on the buffeted sector, believing the recent underperformance overdone.
    26. Kwik Save's interim figures suggest such pessimism is overdone. Kwik Save's 19 per cent rise in pre-tax profits on a 14 per cent sales increase hardly smacks of an industry in crisis.
    27. 'And today the market wants to hear the downside.' Guinness shares had rallied in recent sessions as the depression caused by September's results and anxiety over the group's relations with LVMH were considered overdone.
    28. Almost everything about the production is overdone, from the clouds of smoke billowing continuously across the stage to the ludicrous Italian-Yiddish accent of Shylock and his daughter Jessica.
    29. Many traders, however, said the pound's move lower was "overdone" and predicted a quick rebound.
    30. Spending has increased in line with inflation throughout the recession. Given the preponderance of older clubs, however, accounts of how bingo has changed should not be overdone.
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