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 outdoor ['autdɒ:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 户外的, 屋外的, 露天的

    [ adj ]
    1. located, suited for, or taking place in the open air

    2. <adj.all>
      outdoor clothes
      badminton and other outdoor games
      a beautiful outdoor setting for the wedding
    3. pertaining to or concerning the outdoors or outdoor activities

    4. <adj.pert>
      outdoor education is the area of teacher training concerned with training for outdoor activities

    Outdoor \Out"door`\, a. [For out of door.]
    Being, or done, in the open air; being or done outside of
    certain buildings, as poorhouses, hospitals, etc.; as,
    outdoor exercise; outdoor relief; outdoor patients.

    1. Woerner, former German defense minister, led off the outdoor celebrations at NATO headquarters on an unseasonably cold day in Brussels.
    2. Instead, however, it focused mostly on a single component of recreation: the "outdoor estate," or land.
    3. At least 8,000 Estonians attended an outdoor rally and filled the Tallinn town hall for a panel discussion about Josef Stalin's repression of the Baltic states.
    4. In 1989 he represented Ego Brown, who started several upscale shoeshine stands in Washington only to be told that a 1905 regulation in the city barred outdoor stands.
    5. Still, about 35,000 young fans at an outdoor stadium screamed and cheered under driving rains through shows that lasted for two-hours.
    6. D'Arcy will plan media buying with NBC's in-house advertising staff and will handle placement of all print, outdoor and radio advertisements.
    7. Pope John Paul II expressed support for workers' calls for more jobs and higher pay during an outdoor Mass attended by more than 250,000 in Concepcion, Chile.
    8. Picked a good time for it, didn't we?" And so the NBA finals will open with Detroit facing Portland tonight, and it might be interesting to imagine it on the various outdoor surfaces.
    9. More than 8,000 grieving Soviets followed Sakharov's body, transported in an open-ended bus that also carried Bonner along Lenin Prospekt to outdoor funeral ceremonies at Luzhniki sports complex.
    10. A gesture of good will to high school seniors backfired when Charlotte-Douglas International Airport officials tried to reroute planes so noise wouldn't interfere with outdoor graduation ceremonies.
    11. After midnight, some scaffolding supporting an outdoor projection screen near Brandenburg Gate collapsed under the weight of revelers, killing a man and injuring 135 people, East Germany's official ADN news agency reported.
    12. In Maine, Linda Bean-Jones, an heiress to the L.L. Bean outdoor wear fortune, faced Edward S. O'Meara ina 1st District Republican primary for Congress.
    13. Corporate ad spending on outdoor ads and network TV fell.
    14. Gillette Co.'s razor ads use images of men as "lone wolves" in rugged, outdoor situations, says Nancy Posternak, a sociologist and senior vice president at J. Walter Thompson.
    15. The Knesset, or parliament, earlier this month outlawed outdoor advertising that features scantily clad people.
    16. Among the top causes of death among children is inhaling pieces of balloons, which can obstruct the windpipe and choke a child, explained Brown at an outdoor news conference called to discuss the safety of summer toys.
    17. Gannett, which publishes 81 daily newspapers in addition to USA Today and has interests in television, radio and outdoor advertising, expects revenue in 1990 to be $3.4 billion to $3.5 billion, McCorkindale said.
    18. The action is part of Universal Studios Tour's $5 million "Miami Vice" outdoor stunt show, a 15-minute, 50-stunt spectacle of high-speed water chases and pyrotechnic wizardry.
    19. The network's low-brow programming contrasts sharply with the company's impressive art collections, including its outdoor sculpture garden in Hakone.
    20. At a outdoor news conference, both men said they talked about trade and not about an endorsement.
    21. Elsewhere, officials banned outdoor smoking in parts of northern California and hundreds of firefighters prepared to go home after a 9,000-acre blaze in Oregon was contained.
    22. Earlier, he faced down persistent hecklers at a noontime rally at an outdoor shopping mall in downtown Knoxville, in Republican East Tennessee.
    23. Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis postponed indefinitely an outdoor rally at New Orleans' Jackson Square as well as two indoor fund-raisers: a $1,000-per-couple cocktail party and a $10,000-per-couple buffet.
    24. Analysts said they still expect Hasbro to purchase the remaining outdoor toy products from Coleco, the newspaper reported in today's editions.
    25. In the West Bank city of Hebron, a small home-made bomb exploded today in the outdoor market but did not cause damage or injuries, an army spokeswoman said.
    26. In 1974, Vladimir Nemukhin and Bela Levikova helped organize an outdoor art show that drew cool reviews from KGB agents, who bulldozed the artwork.
    27. At an outdoor welcoming ceremony _ airconditioned and shortened because of the unrelenting Texas heat _ Bush said, "A new world of freedom lays before us.
    28. They wanted to do something that would impact the most, since the inmates were inconvenienced." During the filming, the prison's 40 inmates were confined to one end of the prison and barred from using their outdoor recreation yard, Henderson said.
    29. CHICAGO - While combing the outdoor State Street mall, 37-year-old Wisconsin resident Jan Liss vowed not to buy computer games for her three children.
    30. "I'm really sick of it," he yells, standing on his deck. The jet noise spoils outdoor dinner parties, disrupts backyard boccie games and ruins quiet moments reading on the deck, he says.
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