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 organizational [,ɒ:gәnai'zeiʃәnәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 组织的

[法] 组织的, 编制的, 机构的

    [ adj ]
    of or relating to an organization
    organizational structure

    organizational \organizational\ adj.
    of or pertaining to organization; as, organizational
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. An opposition group calling itself the Democratic Union held an organizational meeting Saturday to establish a political party as an alternative to the Communist Party, a leading dissident said.
    2. Some White House officials argue that Mr. Skinner, enmeshed in a lengthy organizational review being conducted by business executive Eugene Croisant, appears more concerned with communications and procedure than with policy.
    3. The political parties like the caucuses because the presidential candidates running in the state give them major organizational and financial help.
    4. Since then, the retail banking operation has undergone organizational changes designed to improve service delivery in California.
    5. The parties will be allowed to carry out organizational work on their own premises, although a ban on public meetings of more than five persons is still in force.
    6. Under a series of broad organizational reforms introduced early last spring, Mr. Irimajiri had assumed direct responsibility for Honda's manufacturing and product development operations in Japan.
    7. "The talks were more organizational than before," he said.
    8. He rose through the party ranks, acquiring a reputation for his organizational and administrative skills.
    9. Brock, former chairman of the National Republican Executive Committee who has been known in the past for his organizational skills, said trying to run a successful Dole campaign against Bush was nearly impossible.
    10. The disputes ranged from internal organizational shifts at the commission to the size and design of warning labels on packages of chewing tobacco and ads for such products.
    11. Mr. Fleischer describes Franklin's management structure as a reverse pyramid: Its organizational chart is printed upside-down, reflecting his view that management serves those who work below them.
    12. "It's just an organizational meeting in an effort to have a united front, which is the only way to go," said Cincinnati lawyer Stanley M. Chesley, who organized the meeting.
    13. Krumm named veteran labor relations executive William Foust to succeed Anthony Williamson as managing director of Hoover UK and to head a task force to speed organizational changes and implement production efficiencies.
    14. The party's "organizational structure has disintegrated," economist Daniel Schydlowsky said.
    15. Mr. Jacobson said about 40% of the estimated losses reflect one-time organizational expenses and "the costs of below-market stock issuances to recruit executive and management personnel."
    16. Although it isn't clear how much of the blame belonged to Mr. Teale, a 1989 study commissioned by the Florida Insurance Department uncovered an organizational and bookkeeping disaster, compounded by faulty regulatory oversight.
    17. And America is especially well endowed with the know-how, technology, talent and organizational base to serve that prodigious market for learning.
    18. The opposition wants a moratorium on sales of party property after the communists recently sold some buildings, and suggested it be divided up so the party enjoy no unfair financial or organizational advantages going into the elections.
    19. As a result, key managers know the business so well that a consistent organizational culture and operating style can be maintained world-wide with few formal rules and procedures.
    20. The appointment will be effective April 30, following the board's organizational meeting, the chemical, metal and defense concern said.
    21. Trade unions were hastily formed after the Aug. 8 strike but without funds to support striking workers or real organizational experience.
    22. The Celebrezze campaign has stumbled through organizational changes and been distracted by reports of mismanagement within agencies controlled by the attorney general.
    23. Shalev said the PLO had strong influence as a symbol but its organizational structure was weak in the territories, partly because of an army crackdown that has jailed nearly 2,000 activists since December.
    24. A byzantine organizational structure often pits the committee's interests against those of its constituency, the 38 federations that govern individual Olympic sports.
    25. It would confine the striker protection to union strikes and to so-called recognitional strikes, when a union is seeking to organize a work force and at least 50% of the employees sign cards showing that they favor an organizational election.
    26. Earlier this year, a City of Los Angeles task force called the board "unwieldy due to excessive size" and "unsatisfactory" in organizational structure, long-range planning and community-relations programs.
    27. More important, Brazil's bid collapsed in organizational chaos.
    28. Others predict an organizational nightmare in trying to harness into a single system nations at varying stages of economic development and with vastly different environmental laws.
    29. After completing its organizational chores, Congress will adjourn until Jan. 20, although hearings could start before then on some of Bush's legislative proposals.
    30. However, that party, now renamed the National Unity Party, is solidly entrenched and has a nationwide organizational network.
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