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 obligate ['ɒbligeit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 使负义务, 强使, 使感激, 施恩惠于

a. 有责任的, 必须的

[医] 专性的, 固性的, 必需的


    Obligate \Ob"li*gate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Obligated}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Obligating}.] [L. obligatus, p. p. of obligare. See
    1. To bring or place under obligation, moral or legal; to
    hold by a constraining motive. ``Obligated by a sense of
    duty.'' --Proudfit.

    That's your true plan -- to obligate
    The present ministers of state. --Churchill.

    2. To bind or firmly hold to an act; to compel; to constrain;
    to bind to any act of duty or courtesy by a formal pledge.

    That they may not incline or be obligated to any
    vile or lowly occupations. --Landor.

    1. Which is why few obligate themselves to buy back cars as Century did.
    2. They ask whether this would obligate the U.N. to authorize force if Kuwait's border were again violated.
    3. The problem involves the money the Defense Department actually spends month by month, not big weapons contracts, which obligate funds that the government won't part with for months or even years.
    4. But under the provisions of a supplemental spending bill signed into law last week, the Pentagon has promised to obligate $987.9 million in prior appropriations to overhaul and improve roughly 12 F-14s.
    5. The court said the utilities could not obligate customers to pay for plants that might never be built.
    6. The Commission, in a formal recommendation, said the member governments should allow self-production and obligate utility companies to buy surplus energy at fair prices.
    7. Current accounting rules do not obligate companies to report estimated retiree benefit expenses or to reserve money for them. They only have to report such expenses as they are paid.
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