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 objection [әb'dʒekʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 异议, 反对, 不喜欢, 缺点, 缺陷, 妨碍, 拒绝之理由

[法] 异议, 反对, 抗议

    [ noun ]
    1. the act of expressing earnest opposition or protest

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. the speech act of objecting

    4. <noun.communication>
    5. the act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent

    6. <noun.act>
    7. (law) a procedure whereby a party to a suit says that a particular line of questioning or a particular witness or a piece of evidence or other matter is improper and should not be continued and asks the court to rule on its impropriety or illegality

    8. <noun.act>

    Objection \Ob*jec"tion\, n. [L. objectio: cf. F. objection.]
    1. The act of objecting; as, to prevent agreement, or action,
    by objection. --Johnson.

    2. That which is, or may be, presented in opposition; an
    adverse reason or argument; a reason for objecting;
    obstacle; impediment; as, I have no objection to going;
    unreasonable objections. ``Objections against every
    truth.'' --Tyndale.

    3. Cause of trouble; sorrow. [Obs. or R.]

    He remembers the objection that lies in his bosom,
    and he sighs deeply. --Jer. Taylor.

    Syn: Exception; difficulty; doubt; scruple.

    1. Prosecutors, over Buie's objection, used the running suit as evidence at his trial.
    2. Noriega's attorney Frank Rubino said he no longer had any objection to CNN's use of the tapes.
    3. Its core objection centres on the way the agricultural text excludes from the permitted subsidies the compensation payments envisaged under EC plans to reform its Common Agricultural Policy. Many pitfalls remain to upset the round.
    4. Matters got worse Feb. 8 when the Justice Department, acting on behalf of intelligence agencies, sought a court order barring North from introducing classified material without a court order and as long as the government had an objection pending.
    5. An objection by Assistant District Attorney Peter Casolaro was sustained.
    6. By dropping its objection to NATO membership for a united Germany, the Soviet Union removed the last big obstacle to German unification, which could be completed by December.
    7. The communist alliance elected Kiszczak prime minister over Solidarity's objection Aug. 2, but now shows signs of crumbling after Walesa proposed the Solidarity-Peasant-Democrat alliance.
    8. He also said in the objection that some names of known Maine customers were missing.
    9. But negotiations became mired in Israel's objection to talks with the Palestine Liberation Organization, which Israel considers a terrorist organization and Palestinians consider their legitimate representative.
    10. Tuesday's hearing was recessed three times because of various legal disputes and Hamadi's objection to the choice of an entepreter.
    11. He claimed the veto reflected his objection to the law's harsh provisions on rape cases and its unlikely prospects before the Supreme Court. The risk of ruining his state's economy must also have played a part, however.
    12. A House appropriations subcommittee approved, without objection, spending of $7.5 million to launch Television Marti, a Florida-based TV station to provide news and information to Cuba.
    13. A majority also had no objection to deliveries being restricted to one a day.
    14. As with the foreign-policy restraints, these cases involved bills passed over the objection of the president.
    15. We can't make exceptions." A judge ruled Attorney General John Van de Kamp may use San Francisco Chronicle articles in a TV commercial for his gubernatorial campaign despite the paper's objection that such use implied an endorsement.
    16. The objection was resolved, he said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
    17. Islamic fundamentalists in Pakistan have no objection to New Year's Eve parties - as long as the celebrants don't dance, drink or mingle with the opposite sex.
    18. He says American Home sent him a letter stating, "We have no objection to the continued use of the prefix Pan on an aerosol product with any number of acceptable suffixes."
    19. Such a change would not reduce the crude PSBR figure, but it could be funded with fewer sales of gilts. The Treasury's long-standing objection is that the change would be inflationary, but no other industrial country shares this worry.
    20. Lugar mentioned the trade talks in his talk with reporters, but he said his main objection to the Democrats' proposal for increasing target prices is budgetary.
    21. Of that, Y10,509bn will be so-called construction bonds, destined for public works only - to which the ministry has no objection - with the rest in deficit bonds.
    22. Mr Pelisson continues: 'What is most important for Air France is that we can do much more to help it recover in the future.' The co-chairmen have another objection to the Forte bid: it is offering too much money.
    23. The administration's chief objection to last year's bill was that it would have tied the president's hands almost completely.
    24. Some shareholders said they had no objection to the stock award.
    25. Our real objection should be to the amateurish nature of the drama which consists almost entirely of cliches.
    26. "The plaintiffs voiced no objection either to the 1971 redistricting or to the 1981 decision not to redistrict and waited until September 1988 to file this action," the appeals panel said.
    27. "Any plan to institutionalize a meaningful role for the Vice President encounters a fatal objection," writes Joel Goldstein, author of "The Modern American Vice Presidency," published in 1982.
    28. More fundamental was Sen. Kassebaum's objection, made on the floor in June 1983: "Too often, we in Congress think that our decisions here in the Capitol can solve all the world's problems.
    29. Tim Ryles, Georgia's insurance commissioner, says that if such measures don't prove effective, he "wouldn't have any objection to outlawing" MEWAs.
    30. Quotas have the effect of marginalising women, she argues; an objection she also raises against Labour's proposed ministry for women's affairs.
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