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 nut pine 添加此单词到默认生词本

    nut pine
    [ noun ]
    any of several pinons bearing edible nutlike seeds

    Nut \Nut\ (n[u^]t), n. [OE. nute, note, AS. hnutu; akin to D.
    noot, G. nuss, OHG. nuz, Icel. hnot, Sw. n["o]t, Dan.
    1. (Bot.) The fruit of certain trees and shrubs (as of the
    almond, walnut, hickory, beech, filbert, etc.), consisting
    of a hard and indehiscent shell inclosing a kernel.

    2. A perforated block (usually a small piece of metal),
    provided with an internal or female screw thread, used on
    a bolt, or screw, for tightening or holding something, or
    for transmitting motion. See Illust. of 1st {Bolt}.

    3. The tumbler of a gunlock. --Knight.

    4. (Naut.) A projection on each side of the shank of an
    anchor, to secure the stock in place.

    5. pl. Testicles. [vulgar slang]

    {Check nut}, {Jam nut}, {Lock nut}, a nut which is screwed up
    tightly against another nut on the same bolt or screw, in
    order to prevent accidental unscrewing of the first nut.

    {Nut buoy}. See under {Buoy}.

    {Nut coal}, screened coal of a size smaller than stove coal
    and larger than pea coal; -- called also {chestnut coal}.

    {Nut crab} (Zo["o]l.), any leucosoid crab of the genus
    {Ebalia} as, {Ebalia tuberosa} of Europe.

    {Nut grass} (Bot.), See {nut grass} in the vocabulary.

    {Nut lock}, a device, as a metal plate bent up at the
    corners, to prevent a nut from becoming unscrewed, as by

    {Nut pine}. (Bot.) See under {Pine}.

    {Nut rush} (Bot.), a genus of cyperaceous plants ({Scleria})
    having a hard bony achene. Several species are found in
    the United States and many more in tropical regions.

    {Nut tree}, a tree that bears nuts.

    {Nut weevil} (Zo["o]l.), any species of weevils of the genus
    {Balaninus} and other allied genera, which in the larval
    state live in nuts.

    Pine \Pine\, n. [AS. p[=i]n, L. pinus.]
    1. (Bot.) Any tree of the coniferous genus {Pinus}. See

    Note: There are about twenty-eight species in the United
    States, of which the {white pine} ({Pinus Strobus}),
    the {Georgia pine} ({Pinus australis}), the {red pine}
    ({Pinus resinosa}), and the great West Coast {sugar
    pine} ({Pinus Lambertiana}) are among the most
    valuable. The {Scotch pine} or {fir}, also called
    {Norway} or {Riga pine} ({Pinus sylvestris}), is the
    only British species. The {nut pine} is any pine tree,
    or species of pine, which bears large edible seeds. See
    The spruces, firs, larches, and true
    cedars, though formerly considered pines, are now
    commonly assigned to other genera.

    2. The wood of the pine tree.

    3. A pineapple.

    {Ground pine}. (Bot.) See under {Ground}.

    {Norfolk Island pine} (Bot.), a beautiful coniferous tree,
    the {Araucaria excelsa}.

    {Pine barren}, a tract of infertile land which is covered
    with pines. [Southern U.S.]

    {Pine borer} (Zo["o]l.), any beetle whose larv[ae] bore into
    pine trees.

    {Pine finch}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Pinefinch}, in the Vocabulary.

    {Pine grosbeak} (Zo["o]l.), a large grosbeak ({Pinicola
    enucleator}), which inhabits the northern parts of both
    hemispheres. The adult male is more or less tinged with

    {Pine lizard} (Zo["o]l.), a small, very active, mottled gray
    lizard ({Sceloporus undulatus}), native of the Middle
    States; -- called also {swift}, {brown scorpion}, and

    {Pine marten}. (Zo["o]l.)
    (a) A European weasel ({Mustela martes}), called also
    {sweet marten}, and {yellow-breasted marten}.
    (b) The American sable. See {Sable}.

    {Pine moth} (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of small
    tortricid moths of the genus {Retinia}, whose larv[ae]
    burrow in the ends of the branchlets of pine trees, often
    doing great damage.

    {Pine mouse} (Zo["o]l.), an American wild mouse ({Arvicola
    pinetorum}), native of the Middle States. It lives in pine

    {Pine needle} (Bot.), one of the slender needle-shaped leaves
    of a pine tree. See {Pinus}.

    {Pine-needle wool}. See {Pine wool} (below).

    {Pine oil}, an oil resembling turpentine, obtained from fir
    and pine trees, and used in making varnishes and colors.

    {Pine snake} (Zo["o]l.), a large harmless North American
    snake ({Pituophis melanoleucus}). It is whitish, covered
    with brown blotches having black margins. Called also
    {bull snake}. The Western pine snake ({Pituophis Sayi}) is
    chestnut-brown, mottled with black and orange.

    {Pine tree} (Bot.), a tree of the genus {Pinus}; pine.

    {Pine-tree money}, money coined in Massachusetts in the
    seventeenth century, and so called from its bearing a
    figure of a pine tree. The most noted variety is the {pine
    tree shilling}.

    {Pine weevil} (Zo["o]l.), any one of numerous species of
    weevils whose larv[ae] bore in the wood of pine trees.
    Several species are known in both Europe and America,
    belonging to the genera {Pissodes}, {Hylobius}, etc.

    {Pine wool}, a fiber obtained from pine needles by steaming
    them. It is prepared on a large scale in some of the
    Southern United States, and has many uses in the economic
    arts; -- called also {pine-needle wool}, and {pine-wood

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