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 notch [nɒtʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 刻痕, 等级, 峡谷

vt. 刻凹痕, 用刻痕计算, 赢得

[化] 缺口

[医] 切迹

    [ noun ]
    1. a V-shaped indentation

    2. <noun.shape>
      mandibular notch
    3. the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks

    4. <noun.object>
      we got through the pass before it started to snow
    5. a V-shaped or U-shaped indentation carved or scratched into a surface

    6. <noun.artifact>
      there were four notches in the handle of his revolver
    7. a small cut

    8. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. cut or make a notch into

    2. <verb.contact>
      notch the rope
    3. notch a surface to record something

    4. <verb.communication>

    Notch \Notch\ (n[o^]ch), n. [Akin to nock; cf. OD. nock, OSw.
    nocka. Cf. {Nick} a notch.]
    1. A hollow cut in anything; a nick; an indentation.

    And on the stick ten equal notches makes. --Swift.

    2. A narrow passage between two elevations; a deep, close
    pass; a defile; as, the notch of a mountain.

    Notch \Notch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Notched} (n[o^]cht); p. pr.
    & vb. n. {Notching}.]
    1. To cut or make notches in; to indent; also, to score by
    notches; as, to notch a stick.

    2. To fit the notch of (an arrow) to the string.

    God is all sufferance; here he doth show
    No arrow notched, only a stringless bow. --Herrick.

    1. "It seems like the dollar is still comfortable at this level even if the Fed eased by one notch," said Eishi Wakabayashi, head of foreign-exchange trading at Nippon Kangyo Kakumaru International Inc. in New York.
    2. Stock prices slipped a notch from last week's record highs today in light holiday-session trading.
    3. It isn't unusual for a long-term bond downgraded one notch (to A from AA, for example) to drop $10 to $20 in value for each $1,000 face amount.
    4. Mr. President _ sign the trade bill into law and give us all the chance to build a strong economic future the old-fashioned American way: top notch individual effort, teamwork and fair rules.
    5. But what happens when that sliver (or, as CBS more technically puts it, that "notch") of sound is removed?
    6. North Cove is a U-shaped notch in Manhattan's Battery Park City, a community of office towers and apartment buildings that stands on landfill on the edge of the Hudson River.
    7. "Scandal," the movie about the Profumo sex affair that rocked Britain in 1963, dropped a notch to No. 8 with about $900,000 in ticket sales.
    8. Then the patients were followed for up to 48 months to see how many deteriorated at least one notch on a disability-rating scale.
    9. The ratings for long-term bonds in the HOST program parallel Michigan's overall bond rating and are just one notch below the highest, said state Treasurer Robert Bowman.
    10. The Fed took some action today to notch rates lower by allowing the federal funds rate, the rate banks charge each other on overnight loans, to drift down by a quarter of a percentage point to 7 percent.
    11. The action pushed Chrysler's senior debt rating down one notch above speculative grade.
    12. His tempo for the finale was a clear notch above what most violinists will risk, and yet the music danced easily.
    13. "They're spending millions and millions of dollars just to get a notch on their belt.
    14. The notch babies _ primarily the 7 million people born between 1917 and 1921 _ contend they got cheated when Congress rejiggerred the benefit formula in 1977.
    15. This is really a gas for me." After the Coasters' upbeat opening song, the show pulled back a notch with ballads from Collins, Flack and Stephen Stills and Graham Nash.
    16. Since the notch problem first came to light, dozens of bills have been introduced in Congress to correct it.
    17. The chip would be triggered by a "notch" cut into the musical frequencies on compact disks, tapes, records or any other pre-recorded material.
    18. No notch could ever be placed "between" musical notes, argues David Ranada, technical editor of High Fidelity, in a scorching polemic that appeared in the magazine in July.
    19. S&P lowered by one notch the senior debt rating of parent Chemical Banking and subsidiaries Texas Commerce Bancshares and Chemical New York.
    20. But traders expected the market to notch up further gains, saying there was an undercurrent of Far Eastern buying interest.
    21. Dederick and other analysts said the central bank, which has engineered two quarter-point drops in interest rates since early June, likely would push interest rates down another notch before the end of the month.
    22. The action leaves Moody's ratings for American Express's senior debt one notch below those of Standard & Poor's Corp.; the ratings of the units are equivalent.
    23. Japan remained the world's most competitive country and the U.S. ranking improved one notch to second place in an annual global survey of executives.
    24. Unsurprisingly, it also comes at the top of the price range. One regular English visitor says the hotel is 'a notch off top quality', but offers good value in an international sense.
    25. NOTCH NUMBERS: Simon and Kemp court politically potent notch babies, people born between 1917 and 1921 who claim to be shortchanged on Social Security benefits.
    26. Bond traders were puzzled that the CPI came in as high as it did and a few hours later Mr. Greenspan suggested inflation fell a notch on his priority list.
    27. "Dixie is more full-flavored than many beers," said brewmaster Guy Hagner. "Everything in New Orleans is turned up a notch - the music, the food and the beer.
    28. The new gas watchdog has agreed with the Monopolies and Mergers Commission that British Gas's price cap should be loosened a notch.
    29. Coors' best known brands _ Coors, Coors Light and Coors Extra Gold _ are ranked as premium, one notch below the top quality of super premium.
    30. Confirmation that the Federal Reserve had eased another notch on short-term interest rates was the catalyst for the stock and bond gains.
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