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 nor [nɔr]   添加此单词到默认生词本
conj. 也不, 也没有

[计] 或非

    Nor \Nor\ (n[^o]r), conj. [OE. nor, contr. from nother. See
    A negative connective or particle, introducing the second
    member or clause of a negative proposition, following
    neither, or not, in the first member or clause (as or in
    affirmative propositions follows either). Nor is also used
    sometimes in the first member for neither, and sometimes the
    neither is omitted and implied by the use of nor.

    Provide neither gold nor silver, nor brass, in your
    purses, nor scrip for your journey. --Matt. x. 9,

    Where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt. --Matt. vi.

    I love him not, nor fear him. --Shak.

    Where neither party is nor true, nor kind. --Shak.

    Simois nor Xanthus shall be wanting there. --Dryden.

    1. Neither Amertex nor its owner, Leo Jacobson, has been charged with a criminal offense, though both have been barred from obtaining future Pentagon contracts.
    2. Voters appear to have little faith left in the oft-discussed Middle East "peace process," so neither they nor journalists are pressing candidates to explain how they would get Israelis and Palestinians into negotiations.
    3. But his closest adviser has left no doubt that it is neither the party nor new government bodies that make the final decisions: it is Gorbachev himself.
    4. The report concludes that "our vast investment in El Salvador has brought neither peace nor political stability nor a sound economy.
    5. The report concludes that "our vast investment in El Salvador has brought neither peace nor political stability nor a sound economy.
    6. "I don't have any problem with saying that there is no other mural in the world like this, neither in dimension nor in artistic quality," the artist said while the work was on temporary display in Mexico City's Museum of Modern Art in 1984.
    7. No specific reasons are given, nor do the letters claim that the disputed items are incorrect.
    8. But nor have there been significant profits."
    9. Galac neither admitted nor denied the rules violation.
    10. Neither they nor Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, the third member of Congress on the board, participated in the selection of Zinser as the new president.
    11. It also believes, thank heavens, "that we can neither police the world nor retreat from it."
    12. The magazine didn't cite the Ultradrive as a serious safety hazard, and neither the Center for Auto Safety nor Chrysler have reports of serious injury or death from the problem.
    13. It was not PW, the prime minister, nor Piet, the foreign minister.
    14. These scenes, the FCC said, "were neither isolated nor fleeting." The commission said nudity and sexual themes are not necessarily "indecent," but their context and treatment in "Private Lessons" were.
    15. That was taken as a signal that the economy was neither weak nor dangerously strong.
    16. "It's not clear to me that this approach will provide sufficient deterrence, nor is it apparent that it responds adequately to clients, since it provides no direct remedies to them," says Deborah Rhode, a professor of legal ethics at Stanford Law School.
    17. But neither "constructive" receipt nor economic benefit was the issue, and Stonehill's plea was irrelevant, Judge Scott held.
    18. I don't think it's our error, though." Neither the boy nor his family has a copy of his birth certificate.
    19. He says you have to be neither a comedian nor "naturally funny."
    20. Sihanouk, who supports the Khmer Rouge, said recently he wanted to be "neither president, nor member" of the supreme council.
    21. The cooks at home, she says, have neither the time nor the temperament to experiment with complex recipes that need tinkering.
    22. Neither the budget that passed last week in the House, nor the one approved by the Senate Budget Committee, satisfies that goal.
    23. No full explanation is given for the fall in profits during the early 1950s, nor the static results during the rest of the decade. During the later period, some figures stand out.
    24. Neither Reimann nor the producer, Willy Decker, do anything to point up the analogy: they don't need to.
    25. Neither the spokesman nor Israel Radio gave details about the purported changes.
    26. This explains why neither credit nor ruble work.
    27. The company had not previously disclosed Mr. Dempsey's death, nor was the suicide mentioned in a lengthy news release from the company yesterday about the outcome of the investigation.
    28. No charges have been filed against the broker, nor have Osaka police been brought into the case.
    29. The IC Industries spokesman said neither the restructuring nor the new venture are intended as strategies to fend off potential corporate raiders Irwin Jacobs and Carl Pohlad.
    30. Furthermore, they predict, as the ripple effects of a crash move through the economy, the government will have neither the ability nor the courage to prevent the country from slipping into a period of depression or unprecedented inflation.
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