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 nonfiction [nɒn'fikʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (非小说的)写实文学

    [ noun ]
    prose writing that is not fictional

    1. Reader's Garden operates the Reader's Subscription book club, which features serious fiction and nonfiction titles, classic literature and poetry, and the Garden Book Club which reaches serious gardeners.
    2. In Australia, Stephen Hawke, the prime minister's 31-year-old son, won his country's most prestigious nonfiction award for a book about an Aboriginal community's vain fight to prevent mining on ancestral land.
    3. "What we know by instinct is finally coming out in print, and the landscape is bleak," said Donald Lamm, chairman of W.W. Norton, which publishes about 300 titles a year and is known for serious nonfiction.
    4. Paperback rights for nonfiction bestsellers have ranged recently from $400,000 to about $1.2 million.
    5. Morton L. Janklow, a prominent literary agent, adds that he could write a book, "quite certainly a nonfiction best seller."
    6. Mr. Chernow's "The House of Morgan" won the 1990 National Book Award for nonfiction.
    7. With nonfiction you often have to go with something much more literalminded." Some would even go so far as to say that a fiction title is of little consequence in selling a book.
    8. Mitgang is the author of four biographies, four novels, and 10 other works of nonfiction, including two books and a play on the life of Abraham Lincoln.
    9. What the success of "Senatorial Privilege" demonstrates is that large numbers of populists, who tend to be antagonistic toward the culture of publishing and reviewing, are nonetheless willing to buy serious nonfiction books.
    10. "Missing Beauty," a nonfiction book about a college professor who murdered his prostitute mistress, has all the makings of a best seller.
    11. The book, which was in general distribution and sold at K marts and the retailer's Waldenbooks stores, proved popular, earning a place on The New York Times nonfiction best-seller list for several weeks running.
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