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 next-door ['nɛkst`dor添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 隔壁的

    1. Finn has added two more characters _ Marvin's next-door neighbors, two lesbians.
    2. "After years of being each other's next-door neighbors, they've realized certain things are more advantageous if done together," said Marc Cohen, an analyst at Kidder Peabody in New York.
    3. 'Since our first presence in this region we have dreamed of peaceful relations with our next-door town of Aqaba.
    4. Then there was the telegram the Navy sent to us one night via our next-door neighbor, about my older brother.
    5. Last year, the owners of the Tirat Bat Sheva hotel on King George Street asked city officials for permission to build a wing on a next-door vacant lot used for parking.
    6. Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis, third among Democrats in Iowa, won easily in next-door New Hampshire, and said that put him on a winning path that leads South.
    7. Her next-door neighbor, Pat Thomas, 45, said she met West when he lived with his relatives last summer.
    8. Dukakis' campaign schedule suggested he might be more confident about next-door Kentucky.
    9. "We want you and your brother and your next-door neighbor," said Mr. Stice.
    10. A crematorium has been ordered to pay nearly $1.9 million to the owners of a next-door auto shop who couldn't stand the stench.
    11. When we returned the house was gone." A next-door neighbor, Carol Garcia, said she saw the house being mowed down.
    12. "All our prayers to God were answered," said Larry Chianakas, 38, a next-door neighbor of Heimdal's parents, Roy and Marge. "We're ecstatic.
    13. Among the witnesses was Miss Schaeffer's next-door neighbor, actress Lynne Marta, who revealed that the intercoms in the apartment house were broken when Miss Schaeffer responded to the door buzzer by opening the security door.
    14. Grace Skipp, a next-door neighbor, said she and her landlord did not react immediately to the drawn shade because Carr's car was not in his driveway.
    15. It's close in that it's our next-door neighbor and shares a long border with our country.
    16. Otherwise I'm going to have to withdraw." Dukakis, the three-term governor of next-door Massachusetts, won Tuesday's primary with a strong 17-percentage point margin over the Missouri congressman.
    17. At a City Commission meeting Monday night, Hanka's next-door neighbor Scott Temple said the yard was "totally unkempt" and hurting property values.
    18. It's just a neighborhood full of kids," said next-door neighbor Ellen Bodah. "You can tell it kind of bothers the kids." The boys' mother and police found them in the house after Mrs. Puffe received a phone call from her estranged husband.
    19. Zaro said his father, Philip, who is company chairman and Kayden's next-door neighbor, will leave for Moscow on Tuesday to discuss selling a product or opening a store there.
    20. That's when he turns to his next-door neighbor Wilson (Earl Hindman), a men's guru.
    21. Noriega, right next-door, just laughs.
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