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 naturalize   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 授与...以国籍, 使入国籍, 移植, 移养, 采纳, 顺化, 归化


    Naturalize \Nat"u*ral*ize\ (?; 135), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {Naturalized}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Naturalizing}.] [Cf. F.
    naturaliser. See {Natural}.]
    1. To make natural; as, custom naturalizes labor or study.

    2. To confer the rights and privileges of a native subject or
    citizen on; to make as if native; to adopt, as a foreigner
    into a nation or state, and place in the condition of a
    native subject.

    3. To receive or adopt as native, natural, or vernacular; to
    make one's own; as, to naturalize foreign words.

    4. To adapt; to accustom; to habituate; to acclimate; to
    cause to grow as under natural conditions.

    Its wearer suggested that pears and peaches might
    yet be naturalized in the New England climate.

    Naturalize \Nat"u*ral*ize\, v. i.
    1. To become as if native.

    2. To explain phenomena by natural agencies or laws, to the
    exclusion of the supernatural.

    Infected by this naturalizing tendency. --H.

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