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 mushy ['mʌʃɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 浓粥状的, 含糊不清, 感伤的

    mushier, mushiest
    [ adj ]
    1. having the consistency of mush

    2. <adj.all>
    3. effusively or insincerely emotional

    4. <adj.all>
      a bathetic novel
      maudlin expressions of sympathy
      mushy effusiveness
      a schmaltzy song
      sentimental soap operas
      slushy poetry

    Mushy \Mush"y\, a.
    Soft like mush; figuratively, good-naturedly weak and
    effusive; weakly sentimental.

    She 's not mushy, but her heart is tender. --G. Eliot.

    1. Having failed utterly to ask the right technical questions, the author runs true to form in serving up mushy political answers.
    2. Excited by the deal with Detroit, it advocates a depressingly mushy set of policies, including tax subsidies for investment and regular doses of devaluation to ensure 'equitable' trading conditions for US companies.
    3. "This is mushy," said 7-year-old Raymond Whitehead.
    4. I think Mr. Breslin gets mushy in the Advent season, but it would be nice if he were right.
    5. The young Italian conductor Fabio Luisi drew all the rich Mediterranean atmosphere from Zandonai's instrumental palette, making it sound refined and clear-cut rather than mushy.
    6. Calgene, for example, is working on a genetic engineering technique that essentially keeps ripe tomatoes from turning quickly mushy by blocking the enzyme that causes softening.
    7. There was no crash, just the mushy sound of a great craft settling into the marsh.
    8. Wheelbarrows, the study warned, were excellent on firm, flat soil but would themselves become burdens on mushy terrain or hills.
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