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 most-favored-nation 添加此单词到默认生词本
[法] 最惠国

    [ adj ]
    of or relating to a commercial treaty where two nations agree to accord each other the same favorable terms that would be offered in treaties with any other nation

    1. The expected decision to renew Beijing's most-favored-nation status drew advance criticism from Democrats.
    2. Before renewing most-favored-nation status next year, the bill would require the president to consider whether the Beijing government has made significant progress in several areas.
    3. The nation's swing toward democracy is seen as increasing the chances the United States will grant most-favored-nation trade status to the Soviet Union, which could lead to bigger grain deals with the United States.
    4. U.S.-Chinese commercial relations warmed somewhat on May 24, when President Bush extended China's most-favored-nation trading status for a year.
    5. Chinese officials did not immediately comment on Bush's announcement extending China's most-favored-nation trade status for one year.
    6. Hungary, a communist nation in the Warsaw Pact, will clearly meet the criteria for a new extension of its most-favored-nation status, which presidents have renewed annually over the past decade, he said.
    7. The absence of most-favored-nation status is a convenient excuse for the current low level of Soviet exports to this country, but it is not likely the numbers would jump dramatically were most-favored-nation status granted.
    8. The absence of most-favored-nation status is a convenient excuse for the current low level of Soviet exports to this country, but it is not likely the numbers would jump dramatically were most-favored-nation status granted.
    9. "The conditions embodied in her bill make it tantamount to a rejection of most-favored-nation status," said House Minority Leader Robert Michel (R., Ill.).
    10. But Mitchell did not disagree when Gorbachev noted that President Bush has been inconsistent by granting unconditional most-favored-nation status to China, which a year ago brutally crushed a democracy movement.
    11. He signed a resolution, approved by Congress, that gives Sofia most-favored-nation trade status, allowing it to sell goods to the U.S. at the lowest possible tariffs.
    12. The Commerce Department announced today the United States is prepared to provide Hungary with a wide series of business and economic benefits, including permanent most-favored-nation trade status.
    13. The statement called for granting the Soviets most-favored-nation status, which would give them the same preferential tariffs given the United States' other top trading partners.
    14. Poland previously was granted most-favored-nation trading status by the United States, meaning its products qualified for the lower tariffs accorded U.S. allies.
    15. Supporters of extending the most-favored-nation status frequently cite China's connection to Hong Kong.
    16. The loss of most-favored-nation status would result in substantially higher tariffs on Chinese imports to the United States.
    17. Restoring the most-favored-nation and Caribbean Basin tariff preferences are part of identical packages approved Tuesday by House and Senate committees.
    18. Another cloud over exports concerns China's trade status with the U.S. Its most-favored-nation status expires early next month.
    19. China still retains most-favored-nation trade status with the United States, however, and calls have escalated in Congress for him to take sterner measures.
    20. A free-trade agreement between the U.S. and Japan boggles the traditional, most-favored-nation mind.
    21. In Budapest, Bush offered American help to Hungary as well, including a promise to seek most-favored-nation trading status, which would allow liberal terms for Hungarian exports, and a $25 million grant to spur the fledgling free-enterprise system.
    22. Under the policy, the U.S. denied trade advantages to the Soviet Union because of its expansionist adventures, while rewarding Romania with most-favored-nation tariff treatment for playing the maverick.
    23. The new designation allows many of those same goods to enter the country without paying the tariffs charged developed countries on the most-favored-nation list.
    24. President Bush, responding to spreading political liberalization in Eastern Europe, said Hungary will receive permanent most-favored-nation trade status and cited "encouraging signs" that eventually might help the Soviet Union win similar status.
    25. Bush extended most-favored-nation trade privileges to Hungary, saying it had honored its pledge of political and economic restructuring.
    26. Despite the threat of a confrontation with Congress, senior administration officials said Bush would propose a one-year extension of the most-favored-nation preferential tariff treatment for China.
    27. But the White House plan to extend similar most-favored-nation treatment to imports from the Soviet Union apparently won't be considered by the U.S. Congress until next year.
    28. In May, responding to urgent appeals from Beijing, he extended for a year what is called most-favored-nation status.
    29. Current law bars most-favored-nation status to communist countries with restrictive emigration policies.
    30. He also said that if Washington withdraws China's most-favored-nation trade status, the two nations' relations will be seriously damaged.
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