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 monogenesis [`mɑnə'dʒɛnəsɪs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 无性生殖

[医] 单性生殖, 无性生殖, 单细胞原论

    [ noun ]
    asexual reproduction by the production and release of spores

    Monogenesis \Mon`o*gen"e*sis\, n. [Mono- + genesis.]
    1. Oneness of origin; esp. (Biol.), development of all beings
    in the universe from a single cell; -- opposed to
    {polygenesis}. Called also {monism}. --Dana. --Haeckel.

    2. (Biol.) That form of reproduction which requires but one
    parent, as in reproduction by fission or in the formation
    of buds, etc., which drop off and form new individuals;
    asexual reproduction. --Haeckel.

    3. (Biol.) The direct development of an embryo, without
    metamorphosis, into an organism similar to the parent
    organism; -- opposed to {metagenesis}. --E. van Beneden.

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