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 momentous [mәu'mentәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 重大的, 重要的

    [ adj ]
    of very great significance
    deciding to drop the atom bomb was a very big decisiona momentous event

    Momentous \Mo*men"tous\, a. [Cf. L. momentosus rapid,
    Of moment or consequence; very important; weighty; as, a
    momentous decision; momentous affairs. -- {Mo*men"tous*ly},
    adv. -- {Mo*men"tous*ness}, n.

    1. Boris Yeltsin is a vocal critic of the Communist Party leadership during a time of momentous change in the Soviet Union and has become a voice for millions of the discontented and disillusioned.
    2. Nonetheless, the Soviet leader told a post-summit news conference: "We moved one rung, two rungs up the ladder, and this itself is a momentous fact."
    3. The crewmen, who come from all over the Soviet Union, have found it frustrating trying to keep up with the momentous changes taking place at home.
    4. More momentous, Intel and Compaq Computer, whose business interests as customer and supplier are irrevocably linked, were revealed last week to be at daggers drawn over differences in strategy. Disappointing it may be, surprising it is not.
    5. The past 25 years have been momentous for Jamaica and the Caribbean.
    6. These momentous changes will exert pressure on companies throughout the world, but they aren't the only evolving factors. Less developed nations also are restructuring their economies and, in fact, so is the United States.
    7. "This is really a momentous event," said Stanley Leinwoll, U.S. engineering director for the services in New York City.
    8. A many-time participant in these momentous, last-day affairs, his 70 left him a bare stroke short.
    9. Singh said implementing the commission's report was "a momentous decision for social justice."
    10. Despite momentous political changes _ coups and wars in Pakistan, the Cultural Revolution in China _ the relationship between the two countries has improved steadily since January 1950 when Islamabad first recognized Beijing.
    11. Outside in Tiananmen Square, hundreds of thousands of students, teachers, journalists, workers and onlookers reminded the leaders of momentous change of another sort.
    12. Moreover, rather than seek permission from the Kremlin for its momentous decision, Hungary simply notified Moscow of it.
    13. The significance of this week's vote is not how momentous it was, but how trivial.
    14. But Rodino's steady, judicious handling of the momentous hearings earned him widespread praise and helped produce an overwhelming bipartisan majority in favor of impeachment.
    15. 'Because of the bomb we've been forced to make a momentous leap from old systems to new.'
    16. The NATO alliance is under pressure to respond to the momentous changes in Eastern Europe by emphasizing its role as a political organization rather than a military pact.
    17. "The information coming from Lithuania is alarming, and momentous decisions are being made there that will affect both Lithuania and the Soviet Union," Gorbachev told more than 2,000 deputies.
    18. The review, published by the American Quality Foundation and the American Society for Quality Control, usually concerns itself with momentous issues of product quality, especially as they relate to American competitiveness.
    19. Now, it seems we are being asked to hold our breath in anticipation of another momentous happening.
    20. Kennan also said the United States could take a "more forthcoming attitude" on negotiations to reduce conventional arms in Europe, and should consult regularly with Moscow about questions arising from the "momentous changes" in Eastern Europe.
    21. "How can we applaud the exciting and momentous movements toward freedom in Eastern Europe, Latin America, and elsewhere while refusing to grant our own citizens the right to self-determination?"
    22. Has he not achieved momentous feats in recent days?
    23. It is 80 years since the momentous first Christmas of the Great War.
    24. A momentous verdict, like in the Cipollone case, sparks the attention of legislators.
    25. For months, following momentous political change in Eastern Europe, all the signers of Monday's announcement except the Soviets condemned the invasion of their ally.
    26. In the last few days of this past momentous year, our family was blessed once more _ celebrating the joy of life when a little boy became our 12th grandchild.
    27. If Mr. Bush were to contemplate a decision as momentous and politically dicey as an attack on Iraqi troops, he might want to wait until after the election has passed.
    28. His earlier movies also effectively used the horror-movie technique of the slow build toward something terrifying, or momentous.
    29. Even those who are skeptics about the commercial potential of these materials agree that that was a momentous scientific event.
    30. The Labour party is being made safe for the sitting rooms of respectable Britain. The decision to bury the legacy of Sidney and Beatrice Webb was a momentous one in terms of his own authority.
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